Lizardman family

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Official art of the Lizardman from No Heroes Allowed! VR

The Lizardman family (JP: トカゲ類) is a group of male, anthropomorphic, sword- and shield-wielding lizards, introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and a constant presence in the Badman franchise.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related

Lizardman evolution from No Heroes Allowed!

Lizardmen are born from Level 3 Nutrient Blocks and are among the strongest accessible monsters in the series; playthroughs are often defined by accessing them as soon as possible. Lizardmen eat primarily Omnoms and serve as the typical form of population control before they begin overwhelming the ecosystem. While most monsters will walk around aimlessly, when a hero is close by, a Lizardman will rush them with increased speed compared to when they're walking. Lizardmen should, ideally, form the bulk of the offense against heroes, and nailing this is one of the most crucial parts of beating the dungeon-based games.

Tutorial image featuring a Lizardman Nest.

Basic, Abnormal, and Rare Breeds will make Lizardman Nests in 2x3 spaces and lay eggs there, while Giant Breeds will merge and split. Lizardman Eggs tend to take a while to lay and hatch, giving Lizardmen much slower reproduction compared to other monsters; this is designed to ensure the ecosystem maintains itself. These periods of time make Lizardmen very vulnerable during these periods: laying eggs takes priority over even offense against heroes, and eggs can be eaten by Omnoms and Demons. In No Heroes Allowed!, with "High" Dungeon IQ, all types of Lizardmen can make Totem Poles that electrocute heroes that approach their nests, which can make it easier for them to overwhelm the heroic enemy.

Tutorial image featuring Lizardman mutation.

Abnormal Breeds of Lizardmen, Siesta Lizards, gain the Lizard Lullaby ability, allowing them to put heroes to sleep in exchange for some HP. The range is significant and can hit heroes through walls, making them well-suited for small, tightly-packed rooms in dungeons. However, they are dramatically weaker in Attack power, unable to mount a significant offence; should Lizard Lullaby fail, the Siesta Lizard can easily be killed without landing a single hit. Therefore, Siesta Lizards are best in large numbers.

Obese Lizardmen make up the Giant Breed cast, gruesomely dividing themselves to reproduce instead of making a nest; this notably uses a much faster animation than other Lizardman breed types. Like many Giant Breeds, Obese Lizardmen can also absorb each other to gain a HP and stat boost; likewise, while slower, the speed boost upon seeing an opposing hero still remains, making them excellent in combat. Giant Breeds of Lizardmen are notoriously powerful as a result of this, with Japanese players giving Lizza the Fatt the epithet "Mr. Fat" (JP: ファット先生)[1].

Rare Breeds of Lizardmen, Frill Lizards, have the ability to paralyse heroes directly in front of them by using a light ray from their frills. Given its range is a few defeet, this works well in long corridors, especially alongside similarly-inclined Lilith family members. They will also look around every 5 defeet and attack heroes within sight. However, like Siesta Lizards, Frill Lizards lose some attack power; ergo, if their frill display doesn't work, they are likely being killed immediately.

Yu-Nama: The Puzzle and related

Lizardmen are Level 3 red monsters; when combined on the puzzle table, they become Level 4 azure tiles, such as runeborn monsters. Unlike the previous levels, Lizardmen experience no metamorphosis, not even starting in Lizardman Eggs.

In No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!, out of all Lizardman family members, the Lard Lizard has the highest Attack at 75, equivalent to the Hardcore Hurtle. However, this is still eclipsed by the Charming Chest, which has 80 maximum, meaning that Lizardmen are suboptimal for damage output. Conversely, Abnormal Breeds like the Lizzzardman have unique access to the Sleep ability out of all Level 3 monsters, which can be very useful in quickly taking down non-boss heroes. Rare Breeds also have access to the Nutritious ability. Thus, Lizardmen are superior if the horde requires status effects over raw power.

List of Lizardman family members

Lv. Lizard Species
1 Lizardman Basic
2 Lizard Knight Basic
3 Lizard Mage Basic
4 Lizard Master Basic
5 Lizard Lord Basic
SP Lizard Geisha Basic
1 Siesta Lizard Abnormal
2 Siesta Partisan Abnormal
3 Zzz Pee Abnormal
4 Sleepy T Abnormal
5 Lizzzardman Abnormal
SP Snooze Lizard Abnormal
1 Obese Lizardman Giant
2 Heavy Lizardman Giant
3 Pizza Lizard Giant
4 Lizza the Fatt Giant
5 Lard Lizard Giant
SP Amphlabian Giant
1 Frill Lizard Rare
2 Frill Lizard II Rare
3 Teaser Lizard Rare
4 Destroyizard Rare
5 Nebulizard Rare
SP Pure Lizardman Pure


In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese トカゲ類
Lizard family
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Xītāng lèi
Lizard family.
Korean 도마뱀류
Lizard family
Latin Repto sapiens Wise crawl; pun on homo sapiens.


  • The evolution of Lizardmen tutorial image shows multiple Latin names for its evolutions, including one for the Lizardman itself; Repto Crawlicus, Repto Crouchius, Repto Slouchius, Repto Erectus, and Repto Sapiens. In this case, Repto Sapiens is the Latin name for Lizardman.
    • The genus "Repto" is a portmanteau of "reptile" and "homo", the latter being the genus for humans. Coincidentally, it forms a real Latin word, meaning "to crawl or creep over or through something", being of the first conjugation, thus making a real Latin name.
    • Repto erectus and Repto sapiens are puns on Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. The former is a species of extinct human, while the latter is the species for modern-day humans.
  • Lizardmen appear on the most trophies in No Heroes Allowed! VR, with all breeds except Giant Breeds appearing.
  • The Traditional Chinese name of the Lizardman family is peculiar in that it uses 蜥蝪 Xītāng instead of 蜥蜴 Xīyì. 蝪 is normally only used in the word 蛈蝪 Tiě tāng, meaning centipede. It does, however, still translate to lizard if viewed in Japanese, wherein it can refer to skinks.


Land monsters
Moss family - Insect family - Lizardman family - Spirit family - Lilith family - Dragon family
Aquatic monsters
Aquachnid family - Hurtle family - Thunderhead family - Lorelei family - Whale family
Runeborn monsters
Demon family - Golem family - Lady family - Gargoyle family - Mara family - Homunculus family
Other monsters
Mimic family - Skeleman family - Mandrake family - Humanoid family
Lizardman family
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Basic Breeds Lizardman - Lizard Knight - Lizard Mage - Lizard Master - Lizard Geisha
Lizardman Egg - Lizard Knight Egg - Lizard Mage Egg - Lizard Master Egg - Lizard Geisha Egg
Nests Lizardman Nest
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
Abnormal Breeds Siesta Lizard - Siesta Partisan - Zzz Pee - Sleepy T - Snooze Lizard
Siesta Lizard Egg - Siesta Partisan Egg - Zzz Pee Egg - Sleepy T Egg - Snooze Lizard Egg
Giant Breeds Obese Lizardman - Heavy Lizardman - Pizza Lizard - Lizza the Fatt
Rare Breeds Frill Lizard - Frill Lizard II - Teaser Lizard - Destroyizard
Frill Lizard Egg - Frill Lizard II Egg - Teaser Lizard Egg - Destroyizard Egg
Pure Breeds Pure Lizardman
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Basic Breeds Lizard Lord
Lizard Lord Egg
Abnormal Breeds Lizzzardman
Lizzzardman Egg
Giant Breeds Lard Lizard - Amphlabian
Rare Breeds Nebulizard
Nebulizard Egg
Items Totem Pole
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed! VR
Basic Breeds Lizardboy - ?
Lizardboy Egg - ?
Nests Lizard Knight Nest - Lizard Mage Nest - Lizard Master Nest - Lizard Lord Nest
Introduced in Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!
Abnormal Breeds Shaman Lizard - Kitoushi Lizard - Curse Lizard
Cockatrice - Kareiirice - Omurice - Chickenrice
Giant Breeds Baby Monitor Lizard - Adult Lizard-Gecko - Adult Monitor Lizard - Silver Lizard
Puffy Lizard - Manpuku Lizard - 100-ton Lizard
Wild Lizard - Lizard Stampede - Lizard Volcano - Lizard Destroy - Lizard Burn
Rare Breeds Tsuchinoko - Sunanoko - Daichinoko - Nozuchi - Hakaidzuchi