Golem family

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The Golem family (JP: ゴーレム類) consists of humanoid runeborn monsters made entirely of rocks, introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2. They are known for their Roar ability, which increases the Attack stat of monsters in the dungeon in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2 and No Heroes Allowed!, or stuns heroes in No Heroes Allowed! VR. They feed on Lizardman family members.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related

Golems are spawned in the second or fourth layers of the dungeon, such as Talos. When poked with the God of Destruction's pickaxe, they will roar and boost the attack power of all monsters in the dungeon. Like all runeborn monsters, Golems do not get along with other members of their family and will fight to the death. If purified with holy water, Golems will become a Harmunculus. Golems consume only Lizardmen.

Golems have high attack power and decent attack speed, as well as good HP and passable Defence. However, their Magic Resistance is terrible, causing them to struggle against Magicians and Alchemists. They are slow-moving unless a hero is sighted, in which they make a beeline for them with comparable speed to a Lizardman. Despite feeding on what is arguably one of the most important minions in the dungeon, Golems do not have to feed often thanks to their high HP, alleviating the cost slightly.

When poked with a pickaxe, all Golems in the dungeon will start roaring for a set period of time, boosting the attack power and movement speed of all monsters in the dungeon. It is feasible to summon a Golem solely for its Roar ability in a tight spot during a hero raid. When roaring, all monsters will attack the hero: all feeding and reproduction will cease.

Yu-Nama: The Puzzle and related

In Yu-Nama: The Puzzle, Golems are made azure tiles and are available on stages 3, 4, 7, and 8 alongside the mana-based monsters.

In No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!, Golems are kept as azure monsters; when combined, they produce Level 5 purple tiles, which contain members of the Dragon family. Out of all "common" monsters, Golems have among the highest Attack available, with Majin maxing out at 82. Thus, if the Mara or Supremanoid isn't available, it can largely supplement the lost offense. However, due to lacking special abilities, Golems are also outclassed by those two, meaning optimised teams will drop Golems entirely.

In No Heroes Allowed! VR

In No Heroes Allowed! VR, Golems are the second-cheapest runeborn monsters to summon, spawned from their respective Magic Circles. Their design is significantly different from before, being yellow, chunkier, and more rigid compared to the previous brown, smooth design. Instead of attacking with punches, they attack primarily with their Roar ability, which will stun heroes momentarily.

List of Golems

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related

Nutrients/Mana Golem Rune Stat Boosted
17 Nutrients, 16- Mana Golem Golem Rune Attack (5%)
30+ Nutrients, 16- Mana Blob Blob Rune Attack (10%)
17 Nutrients, 17-29 Mana Talos Talos Rune Magic Attack (5%)
17 Nutrients, 30+ Mana Majin Majin Rune Magic Attack (10%)
Alchemist-summoned Beautiful Golem None None

No Heroes Allowed! VR

Horde Power required Golem Magic Circle
110 Golem Golem Circle
? Blob Blob Circle
? Talos Talos Circle
? Majin Majin Circle


In No Heroes Allowed! VR, a Monsterpedia entry notes that at one point, Golems were meant to have different abilities depending on whether they were spawned in the day or at night; however, the idea was dropped due to being difficult to implement.


The Golem (Hebrew: גּוֹלֶם) is an automaton from Jewish folklore that is featured in the Hebrew Bible. In the Talmud, it is stated that Adam was first created as a Golem before becoming a human; all Golems are made from mud by those close to divinity, but are never fully human. Golems are activated by writing אמת (truth) on their foreheads, and are deactivated and turned to dust by removing the aleph, thus spelling מת (death). When active, Golems act as servile beings that defend Jews, but will turn on them and retaliate if overworked and/or angered, such as in the Golem of Prague narrative, giving them a theme of hubris.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ゴーレム類
Golem family; ultimately derived from the Hebrew word גּוֹלֶם.
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Gēléimǔ lèi
Golem family; ultimately derived from the Hebrew word גּוֹלֶם. Notably doesn't use the Chinese word 魔像 Móxiàng.
Korean 골렘류
Golem family; ultimately derived from the Hebrew word גּוֹלֶם.


  • In What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord!? 2, due to a bug, instead of increasing attack power, all damage dealt to heroes is fixed to 2. Some attacks, such as Dragon bites, are not affected, but they do not receive a power boost either. Because of this, screaming Golems are completely unviable outside of stalling for time, albeit still useful as beatsticks. Worse still, Talos and Majin screams fixed both physical and magic attacks at 2 damage. This was fixed in No Heroes Allowed!.
Land monsters
Moss family - Insect family - Lizardman family - Spirit family - Lilith family - Dragon family
Aquatic monsters
Aquachnid family - Hurtle family - Thunderhead family - Lorelei family - Whale family
Runeborn monsters
Demon family - Golem family - Lady family - Gargoyle family - Mara family - Homunculus family
Other monsters
Mimic family - Skeleman family - Mandrake family - Humanoid family