Mara family

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The Mara family (JP: じゃしん類) consists of a single runeborn monster, the Mara. It is named as a family in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!, distinguishing it from the Demon family. They are known for their extreme strength, picky diet, and unique summoning requirements compared to other monsters.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related

Maras are spawned by depleting any runeborn monster's rune — except a Homunchulus Rune — to 0 mana and 0 nutrients, and poking the resultant Mara Rune with the God of Destruction's pickaxe. This is done through having a hero repeatedly walk on the rune, of which normally has to be spawned through a Level 3 Mana Block to succeed.

Maras have strange diets, feeding on things like the pupae of Omnoms. However, they are incredibly strong, possessing high stats across the board, allowing them to beat even strong heros quite easily if well-fed. Unlike other runeborn monsters, however, Maras lack any special abilities, making them strictly beatsticks.

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! and related

The Mara is a Level 4 azure monster; when combined, it produces a Level 5 purple tile, which features members of the Dragon family. Like all Level 4 azure monsters, the Mara has no special abilities. It has Attack equivalent to that of the Supremanoid, tying it for the position of the strongest monster, thus making it optimal for use in playthroughs.

No Heroes Allowed! VR

In No Heroes Allowed! VR, instead of requiring runes with no nutrients or mana, Maras are obtained by mixing sucked-up monsters with a Horde Power equal to or more than 400. This is a daunting number to achieve, often requiring the process of creating other runeborn monsters of high Horde Power and combining them together. Once summoned, however, it is by far one of the strongest units in the game.

List of Mara family members


In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese じゃしん類
Ja shin-rui
Mara family. Literally "evil" or "evil heart".
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Xiéshén lèi
Demon God family.
Korean 샤신류
Mara family; loanword phonetic translation from Japanese.
Land monsters
Moss family - Insect family - Lizardman family - Spirit family - Lilith family - Dragon family
Aquatic monsters
Aquachnid family - Hurtle family - Thunderhead family - Lorelei family - Whale family
Runeborn monsters
Demon family - Golem family - Lady family - Gargoyle family - Mara family - Homunculus family
Other monsters
Mimic family - Skeleman family - Mandrake family - Humanoid family
Mara family
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Basic Breeds Mara
Runes Mara Rune
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Related Harmunculus
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed! VR
Magic Circles Mara Circle