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The Mara (JP: じゃしん) is a runeborn monster that eats developing monsters such as eggs and Omnom pupae, as well as fungi and lily buds. In What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?, it was a pink Demon rather than its present blue appearance, wherein it was given its own classification under the Mara family. Regardless, it will still fight Demon family members.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related

Maras are summoned through a Mara Rune, which is created by having no nutrients or mana. This can be facilitated through making a rune with a Level 3 Mana Block and having heroes step on it to deplete the mana to 0. This can be a long, arduous process and likely span multiple stages in well-built dungeons, but it makes up for it in sheer attack power. Technically, just less than 9 nutrients, rather than outright none, is sufficient to make a Mara Rune, which makes having Slimemosses take the nutrients out of the intended block for use plausible.

Unlike other Runeborn monsters, the Mara has no effect on the dungeon. However, as its summoning requirements imply, the Mara is a very powerful monster, acting as a kind of "boss" for a hero to defeat, like members of the Dragon family, and has the stats to match. Its diet consisting of mainly developing monsters is also very helpful, ensuring it doesn't damage the ecosystem at all at the cost of being somewhat difficult to feed. Trapping a Mara in a waterlogged room or an area where Fungi are likely to spawn is a surefire way to keep it healthy, and a good place to hide Badman.

In No Heroes Allowed!, the Mara's stats were reworked, but overall significantly nerfed. Rather than be a slow-hitting physical attacker, it was changed to have slightly higher attack speed and inflict magic damage. It was also made to move a bit faster. However, the stat nerfs were significant, with bulk nerfs and a massive nerf from 100 to 77 Attack. These new Attack levels are beaten out by Lizza the Fatt. Regardless, it is still stronger than non-upgraded Dragons and even Brahzuzu. Thus, if accessed early, it remains a strong unit in Badman's army.

In No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

The Mara is a Level 4 azure tile, only obtainable via the Mine. It is tied with the Supremanoid for having the highest ATK of all Level 4 tiles, and because no monsters of this category have abilities, it is optimal for use in playthroughs.

In No Heroes Allowed! VR

Maras are summoned through a Mara Circle, which is created by mixing monsters with a Horde Power value totalling 400 or more. This is a serious feat to achieve, only being possible through fusing already-fused monsters, such as the Legendary Mimic and/or other Runeborn monsters. Once spawned, however, it is nigh-unstoppable, making short work of most heroes, or even entire stages.

In-Game Descriptions

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?


These guys are notorious for challenging musical geniuses to battles of auditory supremacy. Be warned, only the greatest song in the world can defeat them. Tribute.


What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2

  • Food: Eggs, Pupae, Buds, Flowers, Fungi
  • Predators: N/A
  • Ability: N/A

He came out of the ground after a long period of time in which his body became horrific-looking. He always toots his own horn, saying he can destroy the entire human world in only seven days, but every time someone says "Show me." he always says that he's sick right now, but maybe later. His rune can only be created on an extremely barren layer of soil, but it's hard to get him.

HP 1200
ATK 100
Phys DEF 86
Mag DEF 85

No Heroes Allowed!

  • Food: Eggs, Pupae, Buds, Flowers, Fungi
  • Predators: None
  • Special Abilities: Yes

An extremely rare demon whose normal habitat is a dimension beyond the dimension beyond the door to the dimensions beyond. Extremely well-known in their home world, they are popular guildmasters with blogs that get millions of hits, and they can make or break a new game with one fell post. They also work as security guards, so it's difficult to get them to drop everything and come, but if you can, you'll be happy you did.

HP 1100
ATK 77
Phys DEF 66
Mag DEF 88

Yūsha no Kiroku Ver.(Ke)


He's an extremely rare demon who is usually active in the world beyond the door and beyond. He's well-liked as a "guild-master" who leads a guild of over 100 members.
The advertising revenue from his activity blog is enough to buy one game of his choice every month. He is also a home guard on the other side of the world, so it takes some forceful recruiting to get him to come here. If he comes out, though, he's quite strong.

HP: 3650

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

Entry No. 195
Type Maras/Basic
Attack 56 (84 Max)
Special None (0%)
Evolves into Can't Evolve

No Heroes Allowed! VR

HP 200
Horde Power 800
ATK 200
DEF 80

The mysterious Mara rarely leaves its abode, but it is said that a single Mara sank an entire enemy fleet in the Fifth Netherworld War. Nowadays, many of these shut-in monsters run popular channels on NetherTube.

Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!

M-My Lord! There's hardly any information here! Aren't you going to fix it?

Website Description

  • What to Bring: Ippiki chilli pepper
  • Favourite Food: Azumino wasabi
  • Natural enemy: Dirty air

Surrounded by mountains, he has an introverted basin-ism in his mind. 70% of his body's water comes from the Southern Alps. Even if he moves to Tokyo, he usually returns to his hometown and spins a hand spinner.


In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese じゃしん
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Demon God
Korean 샤신


Mara family
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Basic Breeds Mara
Runes Mara Rune
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Related Harmunculus
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed! VR
Magic Circles Mara Circle