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Defeet (マートル, "Myrtle") is the unit of measurement used for the grid in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related titles. One soil block equals one defeet, which equals 6 feet in imperial measurement.


Defeet is commonly cited in Almanac pages and other general lore. One major example is mentioning the height of certain heroes, such as in the case of Rook, who is 0.82 defeet tall, or 4 foot 9.2 inches, but loses 0.01 defeet in height when resurrected at Overlord Castle.

Other uses include:

Other measurements

  • In No Heroes Allowed!, the Almanac entry for the Slimeblossom cites Killometres as being equal to 0.99998 metres, which is also equivalent to one soil block. The game refers to defeet as "an outdated relic from the days of the Underworld Empire", referring to the real-life imperial vs metric debacle.
    • However, this results in the games contradicting themselves; 1 soil block is 1 defeet too, which is 6 feet, meaning it's now holding two unequal real-life measurements.
  • Microdefeet is also said to exist, with an abrasive used in the creation of a Gorgeous Lady's body being 1 microdefeet in diameter per particle.


Defeet is a pun on the words "defeat" and "feet", the latter referring to the imperial unit of measurement.