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Sleep (JP: ねむり) is a status that can be inflicted by heroes and monsters alike, originally introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2. It is also an ability in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!. When used by monsters, it is associated with Abnormal Breed members of the Lizardman and Lilith families. In general, the status revolves around forcing the hero or monster to sleep for a period of time, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2 and related

As a hero skill

Sleep is a hero skill commonly used by Swordsmen, costing 5, 10, or 15 MP depending on the strength. When used, the hero will inflict sleep on monsters within 3 defeet. Abnormal Breed members of the Lizardman and Lilith families are unaffected by the Sleep skill. Wakey Wakey shares the same counter as sleep, meaning that if active, the counter will stack if the hero is put to sleep; ergo, sleep will last much longer than usual against a hero affected by Wakey Wakey.

Inflicted by monsters

Abnormal Breed members of the Lizardman and Lilith families are capable of inflicting Sleep. However, instead of using MP, monsters will use their vitality. The main strength of the Sleep skill is the potential reward: If successful, a hero can be disabled for a significant period of time, allowing for an easy kill. Due to the vitality cost, however, it is very possible for a monster to bring itself extremely close to starvation or being killed in one hit thereafter. Ergo, these monsters must be kept well-fed to ensure that their abilities are possible to utilise.

The Sleep skill used by Lizardmen, such as the Siesta Lizard, is known as the Lizard Lullaby. They will spend around a third of their vitality to put heroes to sleep within 3 defeet, ignoring blocks. The skill itself deals no damage. The duration of the effect depends on the Lizardman's level; a Siesta Lizard's Lizard Lullaby is virtually non-impactful, while a Lizzzardman's will last a noticeable period, arguably enough to kill a hero. Because of the amount of time the skill takes to finish, an unaffected hero could potentially kill the Lizardman through the Lizard Lullaby.

The Sleep skill used by Liliths, such as the Dream Lilith, is known as the Lillaby. Much like a Lilith's regular attack, the skill will travel quickly in a straight direction until it hits a wall; thus, it is effective in narrow corridors rather than large rooms. The skill itself deals no damage. If a hero is hit by the skill, they will fall asleep, and like Lizardmen, the duration of the effect depends on the level of the Lilith's breed. Ergo, a Dream Lilith's is a minor inconvenience to a hero, but a Snoozy Floozy's may put the hero to sleep for long enough to kill them.

Sleep can occasionally be inflicted by Treasure Chests when opened by heroes, or if Sleeping Pills are broken by a pickaxe. Goo from Aquachnids shares the same counter as sleep, so it will last longer than usual if both afflict a hero at the same time.

In No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

Sleep is an ability in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!, associated with Abnormal Breed members of the Lizardman and Lilith families. When linked in the puzzle grid, there will be a set chance to inflict sleep on a hero.

When sleep is inflicted, the hero will be disabled for a limited period of time, incapable of loosing blocking blocks on the puzzle grid or killing monsters spawned on their screen. Boss heroes are immune to sleep. This ability is very similar to Paralysis.

Grade Chance Range Monsters associated
1 3-12% Dream Lilith, Siesta Lizard, Snooze Lizard
2 13-16% Bat Maiden, Siesta Partisan
3 17-20% Violet Witch, Zzz Pee
4 20-22% Grim Lady, Sleepy T
5 23-25% Snoozy Floozy, Lizzzardman

In No Heroes Allowed! VR

Demon family members have access to an attack called Sleep Sphere, which can inflict the sleep status on heroes, disabling them for a limited period of time and allowing fellow monsters to attack unimpeded. However, the skill can also be cast by heroes. Despite it being available to all heroes, it is mainly used by Clerics and Magicians. When cast by a hero, a pink cloud ring will appear above them, swiftly setting nearby monsters in a deep sleep and leaving them vulnerable to attacks.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ねむり
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Korean 수면


  • While Demon family members can go to sleep, this is not actually the sleep effect itself: this is purely aesthetic.
Hero Skills
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Torch - Heal - Spin Attack - War Cry - Volcano - Tornado - Get HP - Mana Drain
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
SAVE - Sleep - Summon - Barrel Bomb - Bait Trap - Disguise
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Teleport - Blizzard - Wakey Wakey - Prophecy - Magic Barrier - Treasure Trap
Abilities in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!
Poison - Sleep - Paralysis - Nutritious