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Tornado is a hero skill introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?. It is commonly used by Swordsmen, but can also be used by Magicians, Priests, and more. Its MP cost varies by the wind's colour.

In What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related

When used, the hero will do a short animation before releasing the spell. Once released, Tornado will travel around the dungeon in a counterclockwise, spiral-like formation, almost identically to Moss family members. If it hits a wall, it will turn to the right, and so on. As a result, in narrow passages, Tornado is frightfully effective, routinely destroying Moss and Spirit chambers. Because of its nature, however, it is possible to reduce its effectiveness by trapping it in its own chamber once released. In doing so, though, Volcano may become a problem.

The distance Tornado travels, and the damage to be dealt, depends on the colour of the wind; each hero has a specific version that they will exclusively use. While purple is the strongest in the first two games, it's changed to yellow in No Heroes Allowed!.

Tornado is commonly used when a hero is being dogpiled by multiple monsters and motivation is high. Because of this, it's common to see Tornado being used almost randomly. Thus, Lady family members in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2 onwards make excellent countermeasures, keeping motivation low and making it far less common.

In these titles, there is a glitch that can cause Tornado travel through walls. This occurs when the Tornado travels in an upward corridor without being able to move left and right. It may enter another corridor and start damaging monsters again, which can be extremely problematic. Due to its nature, however, it can be avoided by simply not making a straight upward corridor, ending it off with a small bend.

In No Heroes Allowed! VR

Tornado is a skill mainly used by Swordsmen, Warriors, and Magicians. When a hero casts the spell, a humongous tornado will spin around the caster and fling monsters up with it, dealing heavy damage. Tornado is a skill first seen cast by the Prince, Ozark, in Tussle on the Large Bridge providing a bit more of a challenge to the God of Destruction.

Uniquely, A$hLE* uses the skill in A SPECiAL TREa_t, making her the only Cleric capable of using it.

MP cost by variation

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?

Yellow Tornado is not used in the main story, being seen exclusively in Training stages.

Colour MP cost Attack power Distance travelled
Yellow 12 MP 8 20 defeet
Blue 18 MP 100 14 defeet
Purple 24 MP 180 26 defeet

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2

Yellow Tornado was repurposed to become the weakest form of Tornado. Additionally, MP costs were reduced and the damage dealt was drastically increased. It is by far the strongest iteration of the skill.

Colour MP cost Attack power Distance travelled
Yellow 10 MP 170 20 defeet
Blue 15 MP 240 14 defeet
Purple 20 MP 400 26 defeet

No Heroes Allowed!

Yellow Tornado was changed to instead be the strongest type. MP costs were increased and the damage dealt was reduced significantly, with the yellow variant dealing 100 less compared to the previous title. Finally, the defeet travelled was reduced for the first time.

Colour MP cost Attack power Distance travelled
Blue 15 MP 100 14 defeet
Purple 20 MP 200 18 defeet
Yellow 25 MP 300 22 defeet
Hero Skills
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Torch - Heal - Spin Attack - War Cry - Volcano - Tornado - Get HP - Mana Drain
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
SAVE - Sleep - Summon - Barrel Bomb - Bait Trap - Disguise
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Teleport - Blizzard - Wakey Wakey - Prophecy - Magic Barrier - Treasure Trap