Bait Trap

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Bait Trap is a hero skill used by Monster Hunters. It costs 0 MP to perform.


When used, the hero will turn back to place either Tasty Meat or Yummy Jerky; during the animation, they are completely vulnerable. The meat is placed regularly, usually every 8 or so seconds, meaning the player must remain very vigilant when a Monster Hunter is present.

Tasty Meat and Yummy Jerky can either heal or instantly kill a monster that eats them, and has influence in mutating Liliths and Lizardmen into their Rare Breeds. Like most items, they can be removed by poking them with the God of Destruction's pickaxe, using Dungeonquake, or pouring water on them.

Hero Skills
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Torch - Heal - Spin Attack - War Cry - Volcano - Tornado - Get HP - Mana Drain
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
SAVE - Sleep - Summon - Barrel Bomb - Bait Trap - Disguise
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Teleport - Blizzard - Wakey Wakey - Prophecy - Magic Barrier - Treasure Trap