Tasty Meat

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Tasty Meat (JP: おいしそうなにく) is an item introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2 and is featured as Loot in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2 and related

In the main series, Tasty Meat is a bait trap set by Monster Hunter class heroes, which can either instantly kill or restore the HP of a monster, similar to the Rainbow Fungus. It can be removed through the Dungeonquake ability of The People's Pick, water, or poking it with the God of Destruction's currently-used Pickaxe. Any monster in the game, with the exception of nutrient consumers like Mandrakes and Slimemosses, can consume it.

The Rare Breeds of the Lilith family and Lizardman family are influenced by consumption of Tasty Meat. Should members of the family consume it and become stressed, they may mutate into these breeds. For example, a Lizardman may become a Frill Lizard II, and a Lilith may become a Mosswoman.

In No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

In No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!, Tasty Meat functions as a Loot item that can be used to level up monsters. It gives 900 Exp when used in fusion.

In-Game Descriptions

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2

  • How to Cook: Medium Rare
  • Phenotype: Cartoony
  • Flavor: Brings-Back-Past-Lives-Good

Used to trap monsters in snares. Because this meat is delicious and healthy, it is harmful to the residents of the Netherworld. But it still looks good to monsters, so if a monster finds it, they will eat it. Monsters that eat the meat usually end up poisoned or may even die from it. But, sometimes the meat is rotten, and in that case, the monster will recover HP.

Effect: Sudden Death/HP Recovery

No Heroes Allowed!

  • Doneness: Medium Rare
  • Appearance: Cartoony
  • Flavour: Hints of Rubber
Effect: Instant Death/HP Recovery

Perfectly-roasted hunks of meat that heroes like to spread liberally around the dungeon. They draw monsters in with their irresistible aroma, but they actually taste disgusting, and should be destroyed with your pickaxe before monsters are knocked sideways by their foul flavour.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese おいしそうなにく
Oishi-sōna niku
Delicious meat
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Měiwèi de ròu
Delicious meat
Korean 먹음직한 고기
meog-eumjighan gogi
Tasty meat

Loot in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!
Rainbow Fungus - Gold Bar - Ruby - Tasty Meat - Magic Fungus - Pineapple - Gorgeous Gâteau
Fungus - Yummy Jerky - Four-Leaf Clover - Apple - Dragon Guano