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Loot (JP: えさ) is a type of item in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!.


In the puzzle-style games, Loot is earned via the Mine, with heroes unearthing Treasure Chests that contain it. Loot can be anything from a Pineapple to a Gold Bar, but they all contain experience points for upgrading monsters. Thus, Loot is a focal point of the game's progression.

List of Loot

Sprite Name Exp. Gained
RainbowFungusNPE.png Rainbow Fungus 1,800
GoldBarNPE.png Gold Bar 1,500
RubyNPE.png Ruby 1,200
TastyMeatNPE.png Tasty Meat 900
MagicFungusNPE.png Magic Fungus 300
PineappleNPE.png Pineapple 450
CakeNPE.png Gorgeous Gâteau 300
FungusNPE.png Fungus 150
YummyJerkyNPE.png Yummy Jerky 50
CloverNPE.png Four-Leaf Clover 40
AppleNPE.png Apple 30
GuanoNPE.png Dragon Guano 20

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese えさ
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Feed/fodder, like chicken feed.
Korean 먹이

Loot in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!
Rainbow Fungus - Gold Bar - Ruby - Tasty Meat - Magic Fungus - Pineapple - Gorgeous Gâteau
Fungus - Yummy Jerky - Four-Leaf Clover - Apple - Dragon Guano