War Cry

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War Cry is a hero skill introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?, commonly used by Warriors.

War Cry generally consists of the hero letting out a motivating bellow, increasing the party's physical Attack and motivation. Because it increases physical Attack, it can boost the power of skills like Spin Attack.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related

In What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?

War Cry costs either 10 MP or 35 MP depending on the hero, and upon use, doubles the party's Attack and increases motivation by 900 units. It runs out after 42 actions (moving 1 defeet, attacking, using a skill). War Cry can only be used when motivation is low.

Being a skill that buffs heroes, members of the Skeleman family can erase the Attack buff by attacking them; a single hit is enough.

In What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2

War Cry costs either 10 MP or 35 MP depending on the hero, and upon use, doubles the party's Attack and increases motivation by 900 units. It runs out after 42 actions (moving 1 defeet, attacking, using a skill). War Cry can only be used when motivation is low.

Unlike the previous game, War Cry can be stacked. Thus, if used twice, it quadruples the party's Attack, and if used thrice, it multiplies it by eight.

Due to a bug, Alchemists deal no damage with their regular attacks while War Cry is active. However, no combination that allows this to happen exists without Badman's Chamber.

In No Heroes Allowed!

War Cry costs 35 MP, and upon use, doubles the party's Attack and maximises motivation. It runs out after 42 actions (moving 1 defeet, attacking, using a skill). War Cry can only be used when motivation is low; specifically, at a range of 100 to 300 depending on the hero.

The same bug causing Alchemists to deal no damage with their regular attacks still exists, but still, no combination of heroes allowing this to happen exists.

In No Heroes Allowed! VR

War Cry Is mainly used by Warriors and Swordsmen, and is more frequently so around the Desert Area. When a hero casts War Cry, the caster and surrounding heroes glow red, implying they've powered up, described by Badman and Badmella. When this occurs, a hero's base attacks grow slightly stronger.

Hero Skills
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Torch - Heal - Spin Attack - War Cry - Volcano - Tornado - Get HP - Mana Drain
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
SAVE - Sleep - Summon - Barrel Bomb - Bait Trap - Disguise
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Teleport - Blizzard - Wakey Wakey - Prophecy - Magic Barrier - Treasure Trap