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The puzzle grid in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle, showing a nutritious Slimemoss tile.
For the property featured in the dungeoneering games, see nutrients.

Nutritious (JP: 栄養) is a phenomenon introduced in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle. It was continued as an ability in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!, where it's associated with Rare Breeds.


Nutritious tiles are designated by a sparkle graphic appearing on their block. Any monster that drops into the puzzle grid can potentially be nutritious, though it's very rare. If a nutritious block is broken, then their nutrients will split in a specific pattern, depending on the grade. This will upgrade surrounding monsters to the next grade; this is the only way to distribute nutrients from grades 4 and up. If a nutritious monster block is linked, they are treated like normal blocks. If a nutritious monster block receives nutrients from another nutritious monster, it will upgrade to the next grade.

Monsters with the Nutritious ability all have a drastically increased chance to spawn as a nutritious block, starting at 3% with a base form at Level 1, and finalising at 25% with a final form at Level 10. For example, a Sticky Amoeba will have a 3% chance at Level 1, and an Imperial Aroma will have a 25% chance at Level 10.

In Yu-Nama: The Puzzle, the nutrients itself is called evolutionary nutrition, and the nutrients distributed is called monster-nurturing nutrition.

Nutrition distribution by grade

Level Chance Range w/ Ability Nutrition Distribution
☆ (Green) 3-12% 1 block, up and down.
☆☆ (Blue) 13-16% 1 block in a + shape.
☆☆☆ (Red) 17-20% 1 block in a square shape.
☆☆☆☆ (Azure) 20-22% 3 blocks left and right, up and down the entire grid.
☆☆☆☆☆ (Purple) 23-25% Entire grid.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese 栄養
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Korean 영양
Abilities in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!
Poison - Sleep - Paralysis - Nutritious