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Dvagons (JP: ドフゴン) are the Level "0" Basic Breed of the Dragon family, introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related

Like all Basic Breeds, Dvagons can only move left and right, and can regenerate from around 125 HP. Like most Dragons, Dvagons create Guano when fed, which paralyses heroes that step on it and can be eaten by Omnoms. Dvagons are placed with their brethren at the top of the food chain, eating anything but runeborn minions.

Unlike other "Basic" Dragons, Dvagons can only be created by repeatedly regenerating a Dragon until it reaches 1-4 mana or getting lucky with a Treasure Chest or Fossil. The former can easily be performed through repeatedly culling of a regular Dragon without feeding it; two strikes of a freshly spawned dragon will cull it, and then doing so again will spawn a Dvagon. If a Dvagon dies while it has 0 mana, it will not regenerate, making this effectively the only way they can die other than being slain by a hero.

As the mana deficiency implies, it is offensively weak and often overwhelmed by heroes up-close. However, it's much faster than normal Dragons - nicknamed the "Mach-Daddy" in No Heroes Allowed! - which makes them slightly better at covering long corridors and easier to feed with weaker monsters.

Originally designed to be a punishment for poor mana maintenance, in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2 onwards, the Dvagon gained its own side-branch to the Dragon family; if a Dvagon dies with at least 75 mana, it will turn into a Long Dragon, which can eventually be upgraded into a Hydra.

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! and related

The Dvagon is a Level 1 purple block in No Puzzles Either, obtainable only via the Mine. While it has lower Attack than a Dragon, it can be upgraded into a Long Dragon; its final form, the Hydra, is the strongest Dragon family member in the game.

In-Game Descriptions

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?

  • Taxonomy: Drago suinae

They look, sound, and feel like dragons, but they definitely don't smell like them. And luckily, they don't taste like them either. These guys came in handy during the Beef Prohibition Era, and people still eat them to this day. Dvagon Rinds, anyone?


What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2

  • Food: Everything but Badman
  • Predators: N/A
  • Mutates to: Classified

Its meat tastes like pork, making it very popular. There has been much debate recently over whether or not they are related to Dragons, which has led to civil unrest in Netherworld resturants. I, for one, don't care as long as they continue to taste great.

HP 300
C/R ATK 21/28
DEF 41
RES 21

No Heroes Allowed!

  • Food: Everything except Overlords and the Runeborn
  • Predators: None
  • Regeneration: Yes

Debates rages throughout the hells of the Underworld Academy about how these beasts can be considered "pure", since pure species normally come about through mutation. Still, dragons, as ever, love to be different, and despite the dissenting voices, Dvagons are indeed a pure species. Holy-water-induced purity has thrown another spanner in the works recently though, and it looks like the debate could continue for some time yet.

HP 300
Melee/Rngd ATK 21/28
Phys DEF 41
Mag DEF 21

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

Entry No. 210
Type Dragons/Pure
Attack 8 (12 Max)
Special None (0%)
Evolves into Long Dragon


Dvagon is a corruption of Dragon, effectively being a deformity of the upper breed due to a mana deficiency. This follows the Japanese name, being ドフゴン dofugon, being an ever-so-slight misspelling of ドラゴン doragon.

The Chinese name, 多拉貢 Duōlāgòng, appears to be a phonetic transcription of dragon, further contrasting with 龍 lóng, the Chinese name for the Dragon.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ドフゴン
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Phonetic transcription of dragon.
Compare with 龍 lóng, the Chinese name for the Dragon, and eastern dragons in general.
Korean 드매곤


Dragon family
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Basic Breeds Dragon - Black Dragon - Chaos Dragon - Shin Dragon - Dvagon
Dragon Eggs Dragon Egg - Black Egg - Chaos Egg - Shin Egg - Dvagon Egg
Items Guano
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
Basic Breeds Long Dragon - Hell Dragon - Hydra
Dragon Eggs Long Egg - Hell Egg - Hydra Egg
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Basic Breeds Shadow Dragon
Pure Breeds Pure Dragon
Dragon Eggs Shadow Egg
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed! VR
Baby Dragons Baby Dragon - Baby Black Dragon - Baby Chaos Dragon - Baby Shin Dragon - Baby Dvagon
Nests Dragon Nest - Black Dragon Nest - Chaos Dragon Nest - Shin Dragon Nest - Dvagon Nest
Introduced in Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!
Basic Breeds Thunder Dragon - Paralysis Dragon - Cloud Dragon - Spark Dragon - Storm Dragon
Kirin - Little Kirin - Sharp Kirin - Premium Kirin - Gold Kirin
Wyvern - Water Wyvern - Nandeyar - Manganar
Dragon Puppy - Naughty Dragon - Lazy Dragon
Dorasan - Doramusu - Gurendora
Abnormal Breeds Zombie Dragon - Poison Dragon - Skull Dragon - Necro Dragon - Dark Dragon
Draco - Charger Draco - Official Draco
Giant Breeds Sea Serpent - Giant Sea Snake - Long Serpent - Deep Sea Dragon
Worm Dragon - String Dragon - Gale Dragon
Rare Breeds Emperor Dragon
Fluffy - Dragon Puppet - Cotton Dragon
Sword Dragon - Piercing Dragon - Grave Dragon - Tsurugi Dragon - Slayer Dragon
Dragon Knight - Dragon Rider - Dragoon - Kokuryuki - Royal Guard