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Fossils are an item that can randomly spawn when digging the dungeon, introduced in No Heroes Allowed!. They take on the previous role of Treasure Chests in previous titles, spawning possibly extinct monsters when tapped or soaked with with water. The monsters spawned range drastically in viability, from the dubious Skelebond to the incredibly useful Not So Blue Whale. Heroes will take fossils on sight.

Generally, there is no reason not to tap or soak fossils. They're effectively a free monster when summoned, and though it will be of varying usefulness, they will assist the dungeon in some way every time.

In-Game Descriptions

No Heroes Allowed!


You'll find one when you find one.

Tap to break. Swells up in water.

These rare relics sometimes crop up when you're digging a dungeon, and will produce monsters if tapped with a pick, or if they come into contact with water. Tap them quickly though, as heroes are liable to carry them off otherwise. There's no need to take them off to be appraised or anything, just whack 'em.

Monsters spawned through tapping fossils

Monsters spawned through soaking fossils