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The Skelebond (JP: さまようほね) is one of two Pure Breed monsters in the Skeleman family, introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related

Skelebonds randomly spawn from Treasure Chests or fossils found throughout the dungeon, be it from being poked with the God of Destruction's pickaxe or soaked with water. Like all Skelemen, Skelebonds have no diet and cannot reproduce, meaning that their HP acts as a kind of timer. Should its attack connect with a hero, all stat buffs, such as those from War Cry, will be negated. If a Skelebold perishes due to "hunger", it becomes a corpse, allowing it to be resurrected as a Skeleman or Skeleslave, or, in No Heroes Allowed!, become a Mandrake or Magic Mandrake.

If a Skelebond defeats a hero in No Heroes Allowed!, it will become a Wandering King.

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! and related

The Skelebond is made a Pure Breed in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!, acting as a "dud" monster obtained via the Mine. Unlike other Skelemen, it cannot be upgraded into a Wandering King.

In-Game Descriptions

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?

  • Taxonomy: Dead guy

A wandering ghost in eternal search of the guy who locked him in a treasure chest to die. Let this be a lesson to you kids, never hide in treasure chests or old refrigerators.

HP ?

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2


It is believed that this is the specter of a hero who was trapped in a treasure chest during the Annual All Heroes Company Picnic's Hide N' Seedk Contest. It appears that he is unaware of his own death.

HP 45
ATK 14
DEF 33
RES 33

No Heroes Allowed!


Heroes who lost their way crossing a glacier back in the last ice age. They wander the dungeon in search of their long-lost souls and all their stuff, which was carted off by some stupid archaeologists to a museum somewhere.

HP 45
ATK 18
DEF 33
RES 33

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

Entry No. 184
Level None
Type Skelemen/Pure
Attack 4
Special None (0%)
Evolves into Can't Evolve

Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!

Can you translate this, my Lord?

Website Description

  • 持ち物:所沢人形
  • 好物:草加せんべい
  • 天敵:ゼリーフライ



Skelebond is a portmanteau of "skeleton" and "vagabond". Vagabonds are individuals who move place to place without a specific home or means of support.

In the East Asian languages, the Skelebond is named "Wandering Bones", which is played upon in No Heroes Allowed! with the Wandering King.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese さまようほね
Samayō ho ne
Wandering Bones
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Míwǎng zhī gǔ
Lost Bones
Korean 떠돌이해골
Wandering Skeleton


Skeleman family
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Basic Breeds Skeleman - Skeleslave
Items Corpse
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Basic Breeds Corpse King - Kicking King - King of Bling
Wandering King - Crystal King
Introduced in Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!
Basic Breeds Phantom Warrior - Berserker Soul - Dead End
Headless Skeleman - Necked Skeleman - Necked Oitette - Beheaded Teacher
Jiangshi - Kyonkyon - Pyonpyon - Fei Kyon - Shiou
Gaikotsumusha - Skull Samurai - Honebutobushi