Food chain

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The food chain from No Heroes Allowed! VR

The food chain is a core component of the Badman franchise's gameplay, with every monster being dependent on another for food. This begins with nutrients and progresses all the way up to the Dragon family.


The gameplay of What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord?! is almost entirely about creating a stable food chain. Slimemosses turn only after hitting a wall, therefore the player can confine slimes into different movement patterns like strait lines or squares. But this can create perhaps too many mosses. Even though Omnoms eat mosses, if mosses are too densely populated, they may become Putrid Flowers and overpower them. The opposite case can happen: too many Omnoms will hunt Mosses to extinction. The same happens further up, with too many Lizardmen hunting Omnoms to extinction. The player must try to control the food chain so that the monsters at the top of the food chain can be sustained, overwhelming heroes but not taking so much damage that the food chain falls apart.


A diagram of various setups for improved nutrient distribution from What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2

Producers are monsters in the bottom of the food chain. Their role is to take nutrients or mana and distribute it around the dungeon's soil. The only producers are Slimemosses, Spirits, and Water Lily Buds. As the bottom of the food chain they are also the most numerous and also the weakest of the bunch, and are eaten by stronger monsters.

Since these monsters are the start of the upward rise of nutrients and mana, if something were to happen to them the whole ecosystem would come crashing down. So the God of Destruction must take care of them or the secondary consumers will eat them all and be nothing but a pile of nutrients lodged in the walls of the dungeon. The fastest basic way for to gather nutrients or mana is by forming a "H", "O", or "T" shaped tunnel to let Slimemosses and Spirits move back and forth inside.


First Consumers are monsters in the middle of the food chain. Their role is to control the population of the producers to ensure that the natural resources they consume are kept in circulation. These include Omnoms and Aquachnids. They are eaten by Second Consumers, such as Lizardmen. They are less fertile than consumers, a trend that continues up the food chain.

Second Consumers include monsters such as Lizardmen, Hurtles, Loreleis, and Liliths. Their role is to control the first consumers to ensure the producers don't go extinct. They are generally less fertile, although Liliths are a notable exception to the rule; instead, they have low vitality.

Apex Predators

Apex Predators are monsters at the top of the food chain that have no natural predators, such as Demons and Dragons, which control the consumers but have little to no fertility.
