Shin Dragon

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Shin Dragons (JP: しんりゅう) are the secret final stage of the Dragon family, introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?. It was retroactively made a variant of the Shadow Dragon in No Heroes Allowed!.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? and related

Shin Dragons can only be obtained if a Chaos Dragon has been fed less than 5 nutrients and over 75 mana and regenerates. Like all basic dragons, it creates Guano, with can paralyse heroes that step on it and can be eaten by Omnoms. Like all normal dragons, Shin Dragons can only move left and right, and can regenerate. Shin Dragons are at the top of the food chain, eating anything but runeborn minions. Shin Dragons can regenerate through Shin Eggs.

In practice, as the name "Shin" implies, they are the strongest basic Dragon in the game and among the most powerful monsters the series has to offer.

In-Game Descriptions

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?

  • Taxonomy: Drago terriano

This species of dragon is so rare, it doesn't have a name in any other language, sort of like helicopter. They are the strongest of the dragon species, and once you have one, you're pretty well set. Now get outta here.


True stats[1]

HP 1800
Horde Power 4800
Close ATK 90
Ranged ATK 120
RES 100

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2

  • Food: Everything but Badman
  • Predators: N/A
  • Mutates to: Classified

Shin means "God" in some languages. Legend has it that these divine Dragons only come out when the soil exceeds the nutrient and mana limits. An eastern myth says they once came out at dawn, high above the land of the rising sun once every 100 years, when the sun rises through a dragon-shaped cloud.

HP ???
Close ATK ???
Ranged ATK ???
DEF ???
RES ???

No Heroes Allowed!

  • Food: Everything except Overlords and the Runeborn
  • Predators: None
  • Regeneration: Yes

The great white wonder of the Underworld. The cost of creating one is undeniably high, but as many have begun to realise, a single one is an army in itself, so it's actually a bit of a bargain. It was thought that this "cheapening" of the Shin Dragon's image might drive down the price of its sought-after eggshells, but Badman used so many to build his castle that the price has actually gone up.

HP 2000
Melee/Rngd ATK 90/120
Phys DEF 149
Mag DEF 100

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

Entry No. 215
Level ☆☆☆☆☆
Type Dragons/Basic
Attack 66 (83 Max)
Special None (0%)
Evolves into Can't Evolve


Shin is the Romanised form of the Onyomi reading of 神, shin or jin, the Kanji for God. While this can also be read as kami, that only comes from the Kunyomi reading.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese しんりゅう
Shin ryū
God Dragon
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
God Dragon
Korean 신룡
Dragon family
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Basic Breeds Dragon - Black Dragon - Chaos Dragon - Shin Dragon - Dvagon
Dragon Eggs Dragon Egg - Black Egg - Chaos Egg - Shin Egg - Dvagon Egg
Items Guano
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
Basic Breeds Long Dragon - Hell Dragon - Hydra
Dragon Eggs Long Egg - Hell Egg - Hydra Egg
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Basic Breeds Shadow Dragon
Pure Breeds Pure Dragon
Dragon Eggs Shadow Egg
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed! VR
Baby Dragons Baby Dragon - Baby Black Dragon - Baby Chaos Dragon - Baby Shin Dragon - Baby Dvagon
Nests Dragon Nest - Black Dragon Nest - Chaos Dragon Nest - Shin Dragon Nest - Dvagon Nest
Introduced in Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!
Basic Breeds Thunder Dragon - Paralysis Dragon - Cloud Dragon - Spark Dragon - Storm Dragon
Kirin - Little Kirin - Sharp Kirin - Premium Kirin - Gold Kirin
Wyvern - Water Wyvern - Nandeyar - Manganar
Dragon Puppy - Naughty Dragon - Lazy Dragon
Dorasan - Doramusu - Gurendora
Abnormal Breeds Zombie Dragon - Poison Dragon - Skull Dragon - Necro Dragon - Dark Dragon
Draco - Charger Draco - Official Draco
Giant Breeds Sea Serpent - Giant Sea Snake - Long Serpent - Deep Sea Dragon
Worm Dragon - String Dragon - Gale Dragon
Rare Breeds Emperor Dragon
Fluffy - Dragon Puppet - Cotton Dragon
Sword Dragon - Piercing Dragon - Grave Dragon - Tsurugi Dragon - Slayer Dragon
Dragon Knight - Dragon Rider - Dragoon - Kokuryuki - Royal Guard