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Maxwell as he appears in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle.

Maxwell (JP: シャスカ) is a Monster Hunter introduced in No Heroes Allowed!, first appearing on EX Stage 3 of Dundadundunduuun Tower. He is also the final boss of Dundadundunduuun Tower and makes further appearances thereafter, including in Castle Noneim, alongside Julian. He can Disguise himself as a Lilith and as Badman. He also appears in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle and No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!.


Maxwell begins as a self-centred thrill-seeker, hunting monsters for his own enjoyment. He enters Badman's dungeon under Dundadundunduuun Tower to plan out a future hunt, but is defeated before he can leave. Frustrated and seeing the potential for Badman to disturb his way of life, as well as those of other's, he begins developing his emotional intelligence, and is the last line of defence against the horde as Badman prepares to conquer the tower. Unable to withstand the assault, he perishes.

After his defeat, Maxwell proceeds to undergo significant development as a person. He attends the Hero Academy, where he meets Julian, who becomes his sidekick. Eventually, Maxwell ends up getting a promotion over Julian, much to his chagrin, wherein Julian begins to use his sidekick role to try and get ahead. Maxwell also becomes politically active, working with the Campaign to End Dungeon Discrimination, which Nekomimi seemingly likes. Finally, he learns to Disguise himself as Badman, the only hero in the game capable of doing so. However, while he is mentally reformed, he is occasionally mocked by his compatriots.

After the King establishes Castle Noneim, Maxwell and Julian are recruited as of the many parties of heroes to try and prevent Badman's conquest of the expanded world. Unlike the others, however, Maxwell psychoanalyses Badman, believing that his attempts at world domination are cries for help, imprisoned by his ambition, and that the God of Destruction is the true enemy. Regardless of what he thinks, however, he and Julian are defeated, leading to Badman's conquest of the castle, and the expanded world.

In-Game Descriptions

No Heroes Allowed!

Dundadundunduuun Tower EX Stage 3

  • Sex: M
  • Equipment: Mask
  • Character: Pseudo-Intellectual

Terror stalks the land as Badman's minions mine beneath the surface, but Maxwell couldn't care less. As far as he's concerned, Badman's boys can keep digging until the world caves in on their heads. Till then, he'll stock up on bait and barrel bombs and keep hunting monsters just for the thrill of it.

HP 148
MP 100
ATK 110
DEF 38
Mag DEF 15

Dundadundunduuun Tower Stage 6

  • Skin Tone: Ruddy
  • Results: Excellent
  • Personality: Aloof

Why can't they just live quietly underground!? Why can't they just crawl into my Outbox and stay there!?'sic But monsters don't work that way. If he didn't do something about it, the monsters would spill out onto the surface and suck nutrients from the crops, ruining local folks' lives. What was happening to Maxwell? What was this strange feeling stirring deep within him? Could it be... Could it be...a conscience...!?

HP 345
MP 110
ATK 220
DEF 56
Mag DEF 37

Castle Noneim Stage 5

  • Special Ability: Empathy
  • Special Skill: Compassion
  • What He Gets For It: Mockery

Mocked as a lily-livered bleeding heart by his unreconstructed hero cohorts, Maxwell firmly believes that Badman is misunderstood, and that all his world-domination-plotting is merely a cry for help. He's a lonely prisoner of his own ambition and all he needs is a good hug. That evil deity wielding the pickaxe, on the other hand, needs to be terminated with extreme prejudice.

HP 410
MP 80
ATK 129
DEF 38
Mag DEF 19

Yūsha no Kiroku Ver.(Ke)

M-My Lord! There's hardly any information here! Aren't you going to fix it?

Stage ?[1]

Entry No. ?
Level 4
HP 80
Physical DEF ?
Magic DEF ?

Yu-Nama: The Puzzle

Stage 3

Level 21
HP 180

Stage 4

Level 36
HP 470

Stage 6

Level 59
HP 790

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

Stage 1-3

Level 3
HP 210
Rarity R

Stage 1-6

Level 5
HP 290
Rarity R

No Heroes Allowed! VR

M-My Lord! There's hardly any information here! Aren't you going to fix it?

In other languages

Can you translate this, my Lord?
The editor who added this tag elaborates: JP & KR

Language Name Meaning
Japanese シャスカ
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Phonetic transcription of シャスカ.
Korean ?


  • Nekomimi's Almanac entry claims Maxwell works for the Campaign to End Dungeon Discrimination.

Badman franchise
What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? - What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2 - No Heroes Allowed!
Yu-Nama: The Puzzle - No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! - No Heroes Allowed! VR
-Japan only-
Yūsha no Kuse ni Namaiki da. Soshite Keitai e... (改 - 乙 - G - Marugoto Pack - re)
Makai Casino Royale - Yūsha no Kiroku Ver.(Ke) - Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!
Major Characters
God of Destruction - Badman - Badmella - Diabolos - Heroes - Monsters - King - Princess
Shota - Hashima - Natalie - Satoru - Erika - Maxwell - AAA - AAB - ABC - **** - Ozark
Heroes in No Heroes Allowed!
Dundadundunduuun Tower Satoru - Riki-oh - Erika - Maxwell - Sparky - Gecko - Biff - Thwock - Lydia - Buck - Mendoza - Nerdine - Gawain - Kramer - Brenda - Stavros
Ludgala Tower Groyn - Chrys - Felicity - Wimpie - Magnus - Arthur - Satoru - Erika - Cloot - Quoin - Cochise - Flora - Ariel - Severin - Fidgit - Sonny - Cutycle - Bombino - Rhodri - Constipus - Diarrhus - Vinny - Orbrey - Adi
Castle Noneim Chancer - Billy - Pip - Spillane - TED1000 - Shania - AAA - AAB - ABC - Nigel - Budulus - Maxwell - Julian - Satoru - Trimm - Sue-Beth - Nicknack - Erika - D-Folt - Reg Ular - Basicus - Evrydae - Commono - Usul Lee - Arketipe - Vanilla - Meh - *******
Daily Challenge Ken - Mike - Yango - Mango - Steiner - Vainessa - Shrimp - Skip - Tad - Egg Ed - Remus - LAM3R - Siggy - Lune - Archie - Ponzi - Eric
God Aptitude Test Lovelace - Graham - Geber - Lindsey - Derek - Andre - Nekomimi - ? - ?
Training ?
Heroes in Yūsha no Kiroku Ver.(Ke)
Satoru - Riki - Erika - Maxwell - Sparky - Gecko - Biff - Thwock - Lydia - Buck - Mendoza - Nerdine - Gawain - Ken - Groyn - Chrys - Felicity - Wimpie - Magnus - Arthur - Cloot - Quoin - Cochise - Fidgit - Sonny - Cutycle - Bombino - Rhodri - Constipus - Diarrhus - Vinny - Orbrey - Adi - Chancer - Billy - Pip - Spillane - TED1000 - Shania - Nigel - Budulus - Mango - Julian - Trimm - Sue-Beth - Nicknack - AAA - AAB - ABC - ****
Heroes in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle
Stage No. Heroes Boss
1 Satoru - Marc - Marc Jr. - Riki - Doughie - Blower - Ledge - Camus - Zal Amoro
2 Groyn - Chancer - Big Pop - Peter - Chrys - Felicity - Clint - Ken - Gecko Sparky
3 Maxwell - Erika - Satoru - Jocasta - Philip - Eucaste - Cutycle - Mendoza - Lydia Buck
4 Erika - Satoru - Wimpie - Thwock - Biff - Maxwell - Nerdine - Kramer - Brenda Stavros
5 Magnus - Lala - Draco - Rustas - AAA - AAB - ABC - Nigel - Budulus Billy
6 Satoru - Pip - Shania - Spillane - TED 1000 - Chunky - Terrie - Julian - Maxwell Joe
7 Arthur - Mike - Phileas - Gawain - Ariel - Flora - Severin - Barnet - Chomper Sam
8 Cochise - Cloot - Quoin - Diarrhus - Bombino - Constipus - Vinny - Orbrey Adi
9 D-Folt - Reg Ular - Basicus - Evrydae - Commono - Usul Lee - Arketipe - Vanilla - Meh Erika
10 Sonny - Fidgit - Huck - Sue-Beth - Trimm - Shunk - ABC - AAB - ABC ****
Heroes in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!
Area Rarity Heroes
1 Normal Alister - Riki - Gecko - Gawain - Stavros - Brenda - Groyn - Chrys - Ariel - Butch - Slackton
Rare Pratos - Percival - Maxwell - Bowley - Lydia - Maxwell - Susan - Tetsuo
Super Rare LAM3R - Lothario - Andre - Ledge - Shinki - Geber - Thwock - Biff
Boss Magifish - Satoru - Erika - Klaus - Camus - Sparky - Bubba
2 Normal Wimpie - Felicity - Kendrake - Silvia - Cloot - Bruto - Haxor - Julian - Sue-Beth - Anya - Ares
Rare Jeremy - Severin - Yukie - Fidgit - Pricilla - Kramer - Chancer - Calum
Super Rare Pacifico - Lala - Draco - Femka - Chimli - Billy - Magnus - Plink
Boss Keats - Wagner - Buck - Mendoza - Giddy - Skol - Dumpster - Agron
3 Normal Peter - Amoro - Camus - Zal - Oda - Toyotomi - Alby - Goldiga - Mocca - Dougal - Fluke
Rare Graham - Baden - Charlie - Derek - Pip - Lovelace - Spillane - Gokuilla
Super Rare Preston - Lindsey - Mango - Shania - Misa - Joe - Vintageo - Caliber
Boss Bella - Peachy - Richter - Dougal - Satoru - Racquel - Kilgore - Erika
4 Normal Digby - Dug - Phileas - Genmaru - Didi - Look - Rook - Book - Bobby - Marc Jr. - Huck
Rare TED 1000 - Jessica - Maxwell - Doughie - Jonty - Silvia - Saylor - Tula
Super Rare Siggy - Damien - Gorb - Glut - Cochise - Crunky - Cutycle - Nerdine
Boss Flora - Roger - Sonny - Charlie - Bowley - Stu - Cosmo - Dante
5 Normal Broseph - Joseph - Jocasta - Big Pop - Blower - Rustas - Sam - Ken - Yango - Nekomimi - Shota
Rare Derby - Andy - Charon - Marc - Elena - Prattori - Nicknack - Falco
Super Rare Terrie - Rook - Nigel - Quoin - Jakki - Raven - pwner666 - Shunk
Boss Stu - Edgar - Kesla - Shinpei - Satoru - Clint - Fingerz - Brewce
6 Normal Sukisuki - Tad - Skip - Remus - Egg Ed - Lesley ♂ - Lesley ♀ - Natalie - Chavez - Jacob - Shota
Rare Jurgen - Sarutobi - Degusher - Mahad - Fadeus - Newburt - Lee - Chavez
Super Rare Adi - Budulus - Despo - Mihoshi - Bruto - Annie - Inky - Trimm
Boss Trinian - Fritz - Rei Rei - Yusuke - Dataman - Serpento - Jules - June
7 Normal Paula - Massi - Geoff - Sukisuki - Natalie - Sinead - Garbonzo - Belmondo - Charlett - Chimli - Shota
Rare Fadeus - Barutobi - Heroman - Barnet - Rio - Shrimp - Robotor - Vanilla
Super Rare Envie - Heimlich - Eustace - Erika - Fabio - Steiner - Lune - Archie
Boss Proffet - Monstrus - Philip - Chomper - Mike - Vainessa - Yamamoto - Too-Dee
8 Normal ABC - Reg Ular - D-Folt - AAB - Genta - Dod - Janetta - Morley - Marty - Fido - Omegaman
Rare Jurgen - Commono - Chump - AAA - AAB - ABC
Super Rare Eric - Ponzi - Maximus - Usul Lee - Evrydae - Meh - Basicus - Arthur
Boss Mist - Ike - Odorous - Arketipe - AAB - ABC - AAA - *******
Heroes in No Heroes Allowed! VR
Recurring Shota - Hashima - Chumli - Ashley - Dustin - Maxwell - Julian - Anoro - Ozark - Bicks - Wodge - Natalie
Biancuh - Debrah - Nira - Kyokoo - Satoru - Erika - Marika - Cannick - Ewena
Cheater Heroes AAA - AAB - ABC - aaa
Rare Heroes Pixel - Polygon - VeyaR - Lumaire - Buhnhilda - Thunkus - Teetor - Haque - Rotoro - Shuhei - Solvalu - Torokov
And so, their journey ends... Octis - Brompto - Iggy - Ladiolus - Lahra
Suction Fields Forever Driftyr - Waityr - Harya - Mosspila - Morrow - Kawasay - Brittony
My Neighbour Badman Auldman - Jeralt - Chiri - Jasparr
Gotta Crush 'Em All Milchy - Tohru - Maree - Sebum - Hanamitzi - Gellyr
Sword of Evil's Bane PK Taro - Mesugi - Banajer - Aubrey - Con - Gillua - Levy - Erin - Dovakeen - Scarlet - Ofrouge
There's SAND on my boots! Manbroom - Shinitchy - Eduardo - Mizhuo - Ostrova - Actrazer - Conun - Lanna - Jimcy
Moisture Hunter G.O.D. Corneko - Tanpan - Toma - Aijoh - Tackeo - Rinkle - Ipa - Alesy - Wilyum - Joeker - Kainay - Lamby
Tussle on the Large Bridge Hillcrime - Leyon - Sness - Appaula - Jules - Somma - Khat - Meecoo - Beedy
Ill Waters Run Deep Ipponent - Dakamura - Lunky - ? - Rarea - Medio - Weldun - Minyr - Crafta - Lukka
In the Valley of Death Mountain Chono - Jose - Fonteen - Vunkman - Suzooki - Jody - Hethan
Blizzards and Warriors Donte - Argony - Ayitiani - Tangerine - Voderfun - Bombi - Amonay - Okaryn - Asano
Icebound Bookle - Tirian - Ash - Kohay - Nami - Dye - Sanz - Lillss - Gordun - Caiji
Hope Springs Eternal Mocrain - Lil Lord - Saks - Sasske - ? - Yupo - Asamin - Squiddly - Jeandeflam - Idene87
Penultimate Fantasy Darcsyd - Kacho Sr. - Anon - Allie - Yorba - Matsuko - Yuiji
A SPECiAL TREa_t ****