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Adi as he appears in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle.

Adi (JP: ハワアド) is an Alchemist introduced in No Heroes Allowed!, appearing on on the final stage of Ludgala Tower as part of a Hero Rush with Bombino, Rhodri, Constipus, Diarrhus, Vinny, and Orbrey, acting as the final boss of the area. He also appears in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle and No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!, in both cases as a boss.

In-Game Descriptions

No Heroes Allowed!

Ludgala Tower Stage 6, Hero Rush Wave 4

  • Head: Sacred
  • Belly: Full
  • Legs: Defiled

A godlike figure among heroes, who worship the ground he walks on, and collect clippings of his hair as divine talismans. He preaches the utter annihilation of all monsterkind, and inspires heroes to dip into their wallets and subscribe to his podcast. He believes that all heroes are equal, but tends to prefer the company of young, nubile heroines.

HP 666
MP 184
ATK 184
DEF 62
Mag DEF 38

Yūsha no Kiroku Ver.(Ke)

M-My Lord! There's hardly any information here! Aren't you going to fix it?

Yu-Nama: The Puzzle

Adi on the Boss Attacks selection screen.

Stage 8

Level 80
HP 770

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

M-My Lord! There's hardly any information here! Aren't you going to fix it?

In other languages

Can you translate this, my Lord?
The editor who added this tag elaborates: ZH & KR

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ハワアド
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Korean ?
Heroes in No Heroes Allowed!
Dundadundunduuun Tower Satoru - Riki-oh - Erika - Maxwell - Sparky - Gecko - Biff - Thwock - Lydia - Buck - Mendoza - Nerdine - Gawain - Kramer - Brenda - Stavros
Ludgala Tower Groyn - Chrys - Felicity - Wimpie - Magnus - Arthur - Satoru - Erika - Cloot - Quoin - Cochise - Flora - Ariel - Severin - Fidgit - Sonny - Cutycle - Bombino - Rhodri - Constipus - Diarrhus - Vinny - Orbrey - Adi
Castle Noneim Chancer - Billy - Pip - Spillane - TED1000 - Shania - AAA - AAB - ABC - Nigel - Budulus - Maxwell - Julian - Satoru - Trimm - Sue-Beth - Nicknack - Erika - D-Folt - Reg Ular - Basicus - Evrydae - Commono - Usul Lee - Arketipe - Vanilla - Meh - *******
Daily Challenge Ken - Mike - Yango - Mango - Steiner - Vainessa - Shrimp - Skip - Tad - Egg Ed - Remus - LAM3R - Siggy - Lune - Archie - Ponzi - Eric
God Aptitude Test Lovelace - Graham - Geber - Lindsey - Derek - Andre - Nekomimi - ? - ?
Training ?
Heroes in Yūsha no Kiroku Ver.(Ke)
Satoru - Riki - Erika - Maxwell - Sparky - Gecko - Biff - Thwock - Lydia - Buck - Mendoza - Nerdine - Gawain - Ken - Groyn - Chrys - Felicity - Wimpie - Magnus - Arthur - Cloot - Quoin - Cochise - Fidgit - Sonny - Cutycle - Bombino - Rhodri - Constipus - Diarrhus - Vinny - Orbrey - Adi - Chancer - Billy - Pip - Spillane - TED1000 - Shania - Nigel - Budulus - Mango - Julian - Trimm - Sue-Beth - Nicknack - AAA - AAB - ABC - ****
Heroes in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle
Stage No. Heroes Boss
1 Satoru - Marc - Marc Jr. - Riki - Doughie - Blower - Ledge - Camus - Zal Amoro
2 Groyn - Chancer - Big Pop - Peter - Chrys - Felicity - Clint - Ken - Gecko Sparky
3 Maxwell - Erika - Satoru - Jocasta - Philip - Eucaste - Cutycle - Mendoza - Lydia Buck
4 Erika - Satoru - Wimpie - Thwock - Biff - Maxwell - Nerdine - Kramer - Brenda Stavros
5 Magnus - Lala - Draco - Rustas - AAA - AAB - ABC - Nigel - Budulus Billy
6 Satoru - Pip - Shania - Spillane - TED 1000 - Chunky - Terrie - Julian - Maxwell Joe
7 Arthur - Mike - Phileas - Gawain - Ariel - Flora - Severin - Barnet - Chomper Sam
8 Cochise - Cloot - Quoin - Diarrhus - Bombino - Constipus - Vinny - Orbrey Adi
9 D-Folt - Reg Ular - Basicus - Evrydae - Commono - Usul Lee - Arketipe - Vanilla - Meh Erika
10 Sonny - Fidgit - Huck - Sue-Beth - Trimm - Shunk - ABC - AAB - ABC ****
Heroes in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!
Area Rarity Heroes
1 Normal Alister - Riki - Gecko - Gawain - Stavros - Brenda - Groyn - Chrys - Ariel - Butch - Slackton
Rare Pratos - Percival - Maxwell - Bowley - Lydia - Maxwell - Susan - Tetsuo
Super Rare LAM3R - Lothario - Andre - Ledge - Shinki - Geber - Thwock - Biff
Boss Magifish - Satoru - Erika - Klaus - Camus - Sparky - Bubba
2 Normal Wimpie - Felicity - Kendrake - Silvia - Cloot - Bruto - Haxor - Julian - Sue-Beth - Anya - Ares
Rare Jeremy - Severin - Yukie - Fidgit - Pricilla - Kramer - Chancer - Calum
Super Rare Pacifico - Lala - Draco - Femka - Chimli - Billy - Magnus - Plink
Boss Keats - Wagner - Buck - Mendoza - Giddy - Skol - Dumpster - Agron
3 Normal Peter - Amoro - Camus - Zal - Oda - Toyotomi - Alby - Goldiga - Mocca - Dougal - Fluke
Rare Graham - Baden - Charlie - Derek - Pip - Lovelace - Spillane - Gokuilla
Super Rare Preston - Lindsey - Mango - Shania - Misa - Joe - Vintageo - Caliber
Boss Bella - Peachy - Richter - Dougal - Satoru - Racquel - Kilgore - Erika
4 Normal Digby - Dug - Phileas - Genmaru - Didi - Look - Rook - Book - Bobby - Marc Jr. - Huck
Rare TED 1000 - Jessica - Maxwell - Doughie - Jonty - Silvia - Saylor - Tula
Super Rare Siggy - Damien - Gorb - Glut - Cochise - Crunky - Cutycle - Nerdine
Boss Flora - Roger - Sonny - Charlie - Bowley - Stu - Cosmo - Dante
5 Normal Broseph - Joseph - Jocasta - Big Pop - Blower - Rustas - Sam - Ken - Yango - Nekomimi - Shota
Rare Derby - Andy - Charon - Marc - Elena - Prattori - Nicknack - Falco
Super Rare Terrie - Rook - Nigel - Quoin - Jakki - Raven - pwner666 - Shunk
Boss Stu - Edgar - Kesla - Shinpei - Satoru - Clint - Fingerz - Brewce
6 Normal Sukisuki - Tad - Skip - Remus - Egg Ed - Lesley ♂ - Lesley ♀ - Natalie - Chavez - Jacob - Shota
Rare Jurgen - Sarutobi - Degusher - Mahad - Fadeus - Newburt - Lee - Chavez
Super Rare Adi - Budulus - Despo - Mihoshi - Bruto - Annie - Inky - Trimm
Boss Trinian - Fritz - Rei Rei - Yusuke - Dataman - Serpento - Jules - June
7 Normal Paula - Massi - Geoff - Sukisuki - Natalie - Sinead - Garbonzo - Belmondo - Charlett - Chimli - Shota
Rare Fadeus - Barutobi - Heroman - Barnet - Rio - Shrimp - Robotor - Vanilla
Super Rare Envie - Heimlich - Eustace - Erika - Fabio - Steiner - Lune - Archie
Boss Proffet - Monstrus - Philip - Chomper - Mike - Vainessa - Yamamoto - Too-Dee
8 Normal ABC - Reg Ular - D-Folt - AAB - Genta - Dod - Janetta - Morley - Marty - Fido - Omegaman
Rare Jurgen - Commono - Chump - AAA - AAB - ABC
Super Rare Eric - Ponzi - Maximus - Usul Lee - Evrydae - Meh - Basicus - Arthur
Boss Mist - Ike - Odorous - Arketipe - AAB - ABC - AAA - *******