Ludgala Tower

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Ludgala Tower as shown in an ad for No Heroes Allowed!

Ludgala Tower is the second area in No Heroes Allowed!, featuring 7 Stages and 4 EX Stages.


At the start of No Heroes Allowed!, Badman declares his desire to conquer Dundadundunduuun Tower and Ludgala Tower. Once the former is conquered, he and the God of Destruction set their sights on Ludgala Tower. Here, they eventually defeat Adi and his Iron Man crew, conquering the tower and celebrating before the heroes rebel and hit Badman with an explosive, incapacitating and nearly killing him. Badmella arrives shortly after the heroes establish Castle Noneim, teaming up with the God of Destruction to finish the conquest.

Area Data


Depth: 60 Defeet
Initial Dig Power: 430
Water Level: 14 Defeet per geyser, 3 Soil Blocks
Initial Non-Basic Breeds Paraslimemoss, Snooze Lizard


Stage No. Stage Name Heroes
1 Groyn
2 Chrys and Felicity
2-EX Wimpie
3 Magnus
3-EX Arthur
4 Satoru and Erika
5 Cloot, Quoin, and Cochise
5-EX Flora, Ariel, Severin
6 Fidgit, Sonny
6-EX Cutycle
7 (Hero Rush) Bombino, Rhodri, Constipus, Diarrhus, Vinny, Orbrey, Adi

EX Stage Conditions


Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
Overlord Castle - Van Gehrig - Marquis de Sert - Gruesomewhere - Ashpool - Industria
Downloaded Story - Badman's Chamber
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Dundadundunduuun Tower - Ludgala Tower - Castle Noneim
Daily Challenge - God Aptitude Test
Introduced in Yūsha no Kiroku Ver.(Ke)
Hajime - Lassbos
Introduced in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle
Extra Mode - Boss Attacks
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!
Dungeon - Dunnn-Da-Dun-Dun-Dungeon
Mine - Badman's Lair - Survival Mode - Time Attack
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed! VR
Cornerial Castle - Hayeau Castle - Wylia Castle - Rabanas Castle
Goro Castle - Wunett Castle - Pandoro Castle - Final Castle