Aquatic monsters

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Aquatic monsters are water-based monsters introduced in No Heroes Allowed!.

In No Heroes Allowed!

Aquatic monsters are largely spawned from Water Lily Buds or fossils soaked in water. With the exception of Mandrake family members, aquatic monsters cannot survive outside of water, with their HP rapidly depleting; likewise, land-based monsters cannot survive in water and will experience the same.

Aquatic monsters follow a similar food chain to land-based creatures, with water-based nutrients being eaten by Aquachnids and Thunderheads, and Hurtles and Loreleis feeding on those. While only spawned in special circumstances, Whales and Humanoids feed on Hurtles and Loreleis, acting as the water's apex predators. However, outside of feeding, aquatic monsters act very differently to their soil-based counterparts, often being centred around disruption rather than conventional combat. Aquachnids spit silk that slows heroes down, Thunderheads cause them to miss, Hurtles will attack at range and retreat into their shells when attacked, and Loreleis will use electricity to paralyse heroes. In general, aquatic monsters are designed to supplement the land-based monsters, rather than be a completely new strategy.

Being incapable of mutation, Aquachnids, Hurtles, Thunderheads, and Loreleis lack Level 5 breeds, as well as Abnormal, Giant, or Rare Breeds, but have special purple-coloured species that can be accessed through specific circumstances, albeit with different stat distribution by comparison.

Special aquatic monsters
Monster family Monster Requirements Notes
Aquachnid family Aristoquachnid Consume 20 mana and reproduce Herculomnom equivalent; slightly stronger than a Blueback, but weaker than a Brown Widow.
Hurtle family Hardcore Hurtle Reproduce with 300 HP or Fossil Lizard Geisha equivalent; has the strongest Hurtle Shell; stronger than a Heavyweight Hurtle but weaker than a Souper Hurtle.
Thunderhead family Purple Fug Fossil Stronger than a Swirling Smog but weaker than a Pea Souper.
Lorelei family Empress Aquaticus 29-mana Mana Lily Buds or Fossil Offensively stronger but defensively weaker than the Drop-Dead Stunner, like a conventional Level 5 Breed.

The Skeleman family has some interaction with aquatic monsters, with the Wandering King and Crystal King being created through soaking fossils. Additionally, all "king" Skelemen will gain HP simply by existing in water, giving them significantly higher longevity while giving water dungeons significant bite. Likewise, the Mandrake family can survive in water with no problems, though they will not gain significant benefit. They will also absorb nutrients in the water. Humanoid family members can be accessed through high-nutrient/mana lily buds when the dungeon already has high IQ, which act as the water's central beatsticks.

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! and related

Without water to accommodate them, aquatic monsters skipped Yu-Nama: The Puzzle, but came back in No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! as monsters available in the Mine.

In No Puzzles Either!, Thunderheads take up the green slot, Aquachnids take up the blue slot, and Hurtles and Loreleis take up the red slot. Special aquatic monsters were changed to all be Level 5 breed equivalents, each being the final stage of their respective evolutionary lines. They lack special abilities, making them much like the standard line-up of monsters, with similar stats to match. None match that of the optimal choices for damage, those being the Big Psycho, Leviathomnom, and Charming Chest for the standard water line-up's slots. The Supremanoid, however, is optimal for damage among azure tiles, and with no special ability equivalents, it's among the best monsters in the game.

List of aquatic monster families

Land monsters
Moss family - Insect family - Lizardman family - Spirit family - Lilith family - Dragon family
Aquatic monsters
Aquachnid family - Hurtle family - Thunderhead family - Lorelei family - Whale family
Runeborn monsters
Demon family - Golem family - Lady family - Gargoyle family - Mara family - Homunculus family
Other monsters
Mimic family - Skeleman family - Mandrake family - Humanoid family