Spin Attack

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Spin Attack is a hero skill introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?. It is used by Warriors, Iron Men, and Martial Artists.


Spin Attack is, true to its name, a spinning attack using the hero's weapon of choice. Prior to No Heroes Allowed!, it was a skill exclusive to Warriors, which were otherwise vulnerable to being overwhelmed by multiple monsters. As such, Spin Attack can be seen even on very early Warriors, a trait unusual for most skills. True to the aim of the skill, Spin Attack will be used when the hero has two or more monsters within 8 defeet around their position and motivation is high. Thus, the only controllable counterplay is having Lady family members present.

Once used, Spin Attack will immediately damage all monsters within 8 defeet around the user, forming square-shaped attack range. This is contrary to the animation, which implies it would be in sequence. Damage dealt is calculated with User's Attack + X, where X is determined by the MP spent. For example, if Chimli spends 14 MP on Spin Attack in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?, he will deal 138 damage. The damage is also affected by dungeon Defence boosts from the Wookiemon and Idle Wookiemon, as well as the Warrior's own War Cry damage boosts.

Damage dealt by MP cost

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?

The third entry is exclusive to Training.

MP cost Attack boost
14 MP +100
20 MP +300
6 MP +10

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2

Spin Attack was massively buffed in the second title, being long and far the strongest it ever has been, one-shotting most monsters. Plus, the MP cost was overall reduced.

MP cost Attack boost
10 MP +300
15 MP +600
25 MP +800

No Heroes Allowed!

Spin Attack's damage was massively nerfed, with its highest damage tier dealing less damage than even the second level of What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2.

MP cost Attack boost
10 MP +200
15 MP +375
20 MP +550
Hero Skills
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Torch - Heal - Spin Attack - War Cry - Volcano - Tornado - Get HP - Mana Drain
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
SAVE - Sleep - Summon - Barrel Bomb - Bait Trap - Disguise
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Teleport - Blizzard - Wakey Wakey - Prophecy - Magic Barrier - Treasure Trap