Martial Artist

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This article is about the Hero Occupation. For a list of Martial Artists in the Badman franchise, see the category.

The Martial Artist (JP: ぶどうか) is a hero occupation introduced in No Heroes Allowed!. They are depicted as bald, bulky men that fight barehanded; their appearance somewhat resembles members of the skinhead subculture.


Usul Lee, a Martial Artist with notably unique eyes, from Yu-Nama: The Puzzle.

Martial Artists attack quickly with their bare hands, but tend to have very average movement speed. What defines them, however, is their Wakey Wakey skill, which is used when at half HP and mid or higher motivation. This drastically increases their stats all-around, with them blitzing across the dungeon and killing any monsters in their path at blinding speed. However, after 22 actions—such as movement, attacking, or using skills—the inverse occurs, making them weak and feeble for a limited time.

Martial Artists excel in any corridor, where they are free to blitz through with limited potential to be flanked. However, in water areas where Aquachnid family members can slow them down, Wakey Wakey can become a liability, as the speed increase hardly matters. Additionally, wide-open spaces where their AI can get confused can also turn Wakey Wakey into a Martial Artist's undoing.

Martial Artists are one of few heroes to not place Torches. This trait is shared with Shamans and Monster Hunters.


M-My Lord! There's hardly any information here! Aren't you going to fix it?
The editor who added this tag elaborates: Needs a table of all skills with applicable heroes

Recurring Martial Artists

M-My Lord! There's hardly any information here! Aren't you going to fix it?


Hero Occupations
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Swordsman - Warrior - Magician
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
Monster Hunter - Alchemist
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Priest - Martial Artist - Iron Man - Shaman
Introduced in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed! VR
Cleric - Prince