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Anthills are items created by Omnom family members, introduced in No Heroes Allowed!


Anthills can be made by Omnom family members when the dungeon IQ reaches mid level. Once this condition is met and the Omnom's vitality is high enough, they will consume vitality to produce the anthill. The more vitality consumed, the higher the Anthill; thus, higher-level breeds means stronger Anthills, and Giant Breeds will make the best ones. Up to 20 can be in a dungeon at one time, and there must be a space of 3 defeet or more for an Omnom to begin building it. Basic and Abnormal Breeds make them more frequently than others.

When an Anthill is active, it acts as a sturdy wall for heroes to break. These can be reinforced by Omnoms once they start attacking them, which serve as a strong distraction for monsters to attack the hero from behind. However, likewise, Omnoms will also prioritise building their Anthills, which leaves them vulnerable to attack as well. If left alone, an Anthill will gradually break down on its own. Attacks from Lilith family members will go right through an Anthill, making for a very deadly combination.

Due to the somewhat easy conditions, it is easy for an Omnom to trap itself in a corner if left in a large room to build Anthills. They can be broken with the God of Destruction's pickaxe, but they will sometimes try to rebuild it, resulting in a bit of time loss. Because Anthills block both heroes and monsters, they can also be a bit of a hassle for Badman's army, reducing their mobility and interrupting nutrient distribution by Mosses. Water cannot pass through Anthills, but will flow through if the Anthill is destroyed; this adds a bit of flexibility in usage, as a smart God of Destruction can destroy Anthills on purpose to better-position the water.

If a disguised Monster Hunter destroys an Anthill, their disguise will be blown. Because of this, having sections for Anthills in long corridors can be a way to consistently prevent situations where they can steal Badman unopposed.

In-Game Descriptions

No Heroes Allowed!


Primitive, but useful in large numbers

Max. HP: 70

Barricades built by insects when their IQ reaches medium level to protect themselves from marauding heroes. Those brainless bugs are still not quite clever enough to avoid painting themselves into a corner though, so sometimes you'll have to help them out by mashing a mound or two with your pickaxe.