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Photons (JP: フォトーン) are the Level 3 Rare Breed of the Spirit family, introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2.

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2 and related

Photons appear when there are 200 or more Spirits in a dungeon. While their fertility is higher than a normal Spirit, they adopt a kamikaze-style attack against heroes, killing themselves in the process; this can be seen as a self-cull mechanism. They still distribute mana and can be drawn into runes and corpses to power them up. They can be upgraded into Graviphotons with Dig Power.

In-Game Descriptions

What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2


Born in the Sun, it is also called the Firebird of the Netherworld. Not many people like it because looking directly at this spirit often causes temporary, or even permanent, blindness.

HP 60
ATK 14
RES 10
Mutation Destinations: Dark Spirit
SC Stunner
Big Dark

No Heroes Allowed!


When rare elementals such as these go into a charge, they become invulnerable, only to disintegrate once they have damaged their target. The mana they leave afterwards can spawn further Photons, continuing the cycle of Photon life. This phenomenon, known as the Photonandon Effect, is subject of Underworld Institute of Sinister Science Research Grant Application #203345/BX.

HP 60
Melee ATK 14
Rngd ATK 57
RES 10
Mutation Destinations: Dark Spirit
SC Stunner
Big Dark

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

Entry No. 57
Level ☆☆☆
Type Spirits/Rare
Attack 18 (20 Max)
Special Nutritious (17-20%)
Evolves into Graviphoton

Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!

M-My Lord! There's hardly any information here! Aren't you going to fix it?


Photons are named after a subatomic, bosonic particle of the same name, originally theorised by Albert Einstein in 1905, the name derived from the Ancient Greek word "phōtós". They are massless, so they will always move at the speed of light in a vacuum, and are a common feature in electromagnetic quantum physics.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese フォトーン
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Korean 포톤
Spirit family
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
Basic Breeds Spirit - Ice Spirit - Fire Spirit
Introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
Basic Breeds Dark Spirit
Abnormal Breeds Stunner - Cold Stunner - Heat Stunner - SC Stunner
Giant Breeds Big Spirit - Big Ice - Big Fire - Big Dark
Rare Breeds Beryllion - Tachyon - Photon - Graviphoton
Pure Breeds Pure Spirit
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Basic Breeds Psycho Spirit
Abnormal Breeds Terastunner
Giant Breeds Big Psycho
Rare Breeds Monopole
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed! VR
Basic Breeds Distilled Spirit - ?
Nests Spirit Nest - Ice Spirit Nest - Fire Spirit Nest - Dark Spirit Nest - Psycho Spirit Nest
Introduced in Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!
Basic Breeds Air Spirit - Windy - Sylph - Sylph Queen
Flower Spirit - Blossom - Bloom - Buroun
Flame Spirit - Burning - Burst Spirit - Salamdander - Salamandra
Giant Breeds Light Spirit - Flash Spirit - Shining - Brilliant