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Edit is a game mode exclusive to What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?, acting as a pseudo-precursor to Badman's Chamber.


A basic Social Knight being edited.

Edit allows the God of Destruction to create three custom stages with up to seven unique, user-created heroes, which can be shared through the PSP Memory Stick. There are two options: Battle and Test Play. Battle allows the player to load a second set of heroes from another PSP Memory Stick, allowing for more edited heroes to be used.

Edited heroes can have their names, titles, and comments edited by the player, as can the stage titles. Additionally, their personality (AI), voice, colour palette, and occupation can all be assigned. Stats can be edited to a degree.


The occupation of a hero can be assigned, which determines their skill set. They are gradually unlocked by completing the story, getting high scores in Training, and filling up the Almanac.

Sprite Occupation Skill set
Swordsman Social Knight Spin Attack, HP Up!
Paladin Tornado (Blue), Spin Attack
Holy Knight Heal, MP Up!
Dark Knight Volcano (Red), HP Up!
Warrior Fighter War Cry
Warrior Spin Attack, HP Up!
Berserker Tornado (Purple), War Cry
Viking Volcano (Red), Spin Attack, MP Up!
Magician Magician Heal
Wizard Volcano (Red), Tornado (Blue)
Druid Volcano (Red), MP Up!
Shaman Tornado (Blue), Heal, War Cry


The hero's personality serves as their AI. This determines their movement patterns and how their motivation changes. Not all hero AI functions are available; for example, Heroman and AAA's excessive skill use cannot be replicated. Skill notes are subject to the relevant occupation being selected.

Personality Movement Priority Notes
Hard Up (すなお) ↑←→↓ Uses War Cry 3 steps from the dungeon entrance.
Opportunitist (マイペース) ↓←→↑ Uses War Cry upon entry. Motivation falls slowly and rises quickly. Uses skills the most frequently.
Naive (じゅんじょう) →←↓↑ Motivation falls slowly and rises quickly.
Impatient (せっかち) ←→↑↓ Motivation drops quickly, even when not fighting, but uses skills a lot.
Wayward (おちつきない) ↑←→↓ Motivation is set high enough to use Volcano right at the dungeon entrance.
Cautious (しっかりもの) ↓←→↑ Motivation drops when not fighting, but rises when doing so, while having similar AI to Opportunitist; thus, it can be seen as less likely to waste MP. Can walk down paths dug after entering the dungeon.
Laid Back (のんびり) →←↓↑ Motivation rises slowly, while being hard to drop.
Extravagant (ろうひか) ←→↑ Motivation begins very high, allowing for offensive skill use at the entrance. However, motivation falls easily and is difficult to rise again. Tends to go straight to the entrance when capturing Badman.

Stat allocation

When the player clears the game, their high score determines the stats they can allocate for their heroes.

The equation for this goes as follows: Main Story High Score ÷ 200 + Hard Mode High Score ÷ 200. The total points per Edit Party cannot exceed 400, and caps at 20 points per stat. The hero's level is determined by the stats invested, capping at 33; this is doubled to 66 on level 2, and 99 on level 3.

Each Occupation influences stat distribution. The base equation for HP and ATK is (S x Bonus Points + 10) x Stage Number, while MP, DEF, and RES are determined by S x Bonus Points x Stage Number, where S is the constant provided below.

Occupation HP MP ATK DEF RES
Swordsman 7.5 6.0 4.0 0.8 1.0
Warrior 9.5 3.0 5.0 1.2 0.7
Magician 5.8 9.0 3.0 0.5 1.4

With this in mind, the maximum stats for Stage 3 can be determined as follows:

Occupation HP MP ATK DEF RES
Swordsman 480 360 270 48 60
Warrior 600 180 330 72 42
Magician 378 540 210 30 84

When put into perspective, heroes on level 3 are in-league with AAA and Heroman stat-wise, making for a crushingly difficult challenge. Any hero at level 99 is fully capable of defeating even a Shin Dragon.

Speed is calculated separately, as follows. It results in inverse proportion, with a lower speed value being the most valuable.

Bonus Point investment 20, 19 18, 17 16 15, 14 13, 12 11 10, 9 8, 7 6 5, 4 3, 2 1
Speed value 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Only 19 Bonus Points being necessary to achieve a maximum speed of 5, which is enough to advance 10 defeet in 2 seconds. For each higher speed value, it will take an additional 0.33 seconds to advance 10 defeet.

With multiple members of a party, the mean speed value is calculated with (Sum of Party Speed Values) ÷ (Total Party Members), rounded down. For example, if a party has 6, 5, and 11 speed, the mean speed value is 7, which becomes the whole party's speed. In this case, each party member will be able to traverse 10 defeet in 2.66 seconds.

Stage Data

The stage data for Edit is consistent.

Depth: 36 Defeet
Initial Dig Power: 950

There will be around 8,200 nutrients available, and always 243 mana. The heroes will invade at 1:15.