List of trophies in No Heroes Allowed! VR

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Trophies are available to collect in No Heroes Allowed! VR.


Image Grade Name Description Conditions
Dedicated to Destruction.png PlatinumTrophy.png Dedicated to Destruction Collect all trophies. No trophy list is without one of these. Get all other trophies.
Debut of Destruction.png 40-bronze.png Debut of Destruction You've taken Cornerial Castle! I hereby award you with this trophy to commend your tutorial-clearing acumen.
Enough Tutorials Already.png 40-bronze.png Enough Tutorials Already Hayeau Castle has been spirited away to the Netherworld. Soon shall its denizens learn that their animosity was a mistake.
Continental Conquest.png 40-silver.png Continental Conquest Wylia Castle has been seized, and with this conquest, we've reached a milestone - an entire continent under MY rule!
Doom of the Dunes.png 40-silver.png Doom of the Dunes Rabanas Castle is ours! Oh, happy day - perhaps I'll spread the good word throughout town. I'm Overlord Bad von Mannenburg! Don't believe Shota's lies!
Scorched Earth.png 40-silver.png Scorched Earth Goro Castle has surrendered! Have another trophy for your collection. With this victory, half of the entire world has succumbed to the Netherworld's embrace!
Frozen Wastes.png 40-gold.png Frozen Wastes Wunett Castle didn't stand a ghost of a chance against you, O God of Destruction! Hm? The monsters did all the work, you say? Fear not, my Lord, I know exactly how it is.
Labyrinth of the Netherworld Tree.png 40-gold.png Labyrinth of the Netherworld Tree We've trounced the foolhardy heroes of Pandoro Castle!

And yet, my Lord, I have a bad feeling about this...

May the World Know No Peace.png 40-gold.png May the World Know No Peace! Our conquest of the world is complete! I've already expressed my heartfelt admiration and gratitude for your efforts, my Lord, so perhaps a simple "congratulations" will do here. Oh, and you can have this trophy too.
Back for Seconds.png 40-bronze.png Back for Seconds Squeeze every last drop of fun out of the game until nothing but a joyless husk remains! This trophy is awarded on clearing a stage for the second time.
Super God of Destruction II Turbo.png 40-bronze.png Super God of Destruction II Turbo It'll do my confidence wonders to see the bravura display of a G.O.D. that knows what they're doing. Perhaps you could try getting an S-Rank score, my Lord? Obtain an S Rank in a stage.
A New Monster Draws Near.png 40-bronze.png A New Monster Draws Near! Feel like you've reached a dead end, my Lord? Perhaps you could try upgrading monsters at the Nethergarden.
What SLIMEMOSS is Evolving!.png 40-gold.png What? SLIMEMOSS is Evolving! Upgrade a monster to the highest level, then revel in your power! Or rather, revel in the power of the monster, hopefully without ultimately being destroyed by your own creation in an ironic twist of fate.
2-Byte Heroes with 8-Bit Souls.png 40-silver.png 2-Byte Heroes with 8-Bit Souls These heroes spring up like weeds, no matter how many you slay. I daresay you must have slain 256 of the pests by now, which is a good enough milestone as any for a trophy. (Fear not, my Lord, there is no trophy for slaughtering 53,594 of them.) Slay 256 heroes.
The Three Hundred.png 40-silver.png The Three Hundred A seething horde of monsters is ready and willing to commit unspeakable deeds in your name should you but give the word, my Lord. Awe-inspiring, simply awe-inspiring. Makes me glad to be middle-managing the operation from a safe distance in my tower. Ah, yes! It seems you've sent a total of 300 monsters into battle now. Have a trophy. Spawn 300 monsters.
Hand of GOD.png 40-silver.png Hand of G.O.D. You're not simply ordering monsters on Demonic Charges and then leaving them to their own devices, are you, my Lord? No, surely not. I can see right here that you've used your G.O.D. Skills at least 50 times, so you must be getting some use out of them. Use 50 G.O.D. Skills.
Loot and Scoot.png 40-gold.png Loot and Scoot If I see a chest left by the roadside that doesn't need a key, you can bet your bottom Netherdollar that I'm going to open it. And I see that you've opened 50 of them yourself so far - very thorough indeed, my Lord. Open 50 Treasure Chests.
Mind Your Maras.png 40-silver.png Mind Your Maras Summon a Mara and have it smash a hero into paste. Smooth or crunchy, either is acceptable.
The Dragon Born.png 40-silver.png The Dragon, Born I see you now command a Dragon, the draconic doyen of the monster horde! Fear not, my Lord, the wyrms that serve us have been trained to do their business far from the tower.
Rocking the Dragon Orbs.png 40-silver.png Rocking the Dragon Orbs Collect all of the dragon orbs. Doing so won't grant your wishes, but at least you'll get a snazzy trophy.
In a Bind.png 40-bronze.png In a Bind I think I've said enough on the subject already, but please do stop letting the heroes into the tower, my Lord. Freeing myself from captivity is hard enough, but scaling the walls to get back into my lair really does take it out of me... *wheeze*
Eager for that Egress.png 40-bronze.png Eager for that Egress You seem to have an unusual interest in the door to my lair, my Lord. I'm not sure what you're expecting; I don't get any guests aside from the odd invading hero. Look at the door in the lair for a sustained period of time.
Mark of Shame.png 40-bronze.png Mark of Shame I'm curious to know what you were planning to do to Badmella, my Lord, but perhaps I'd better not ask. For now, please enjoy this trophy, a permanent mark on your record. (If this is the first trophy you unlock, we will have words.) Look at Badmella in the lair and press A.
Sticking to the Script.png 40-bronze.png Sticking to the Script? Oh dear! While you were staring into the distance, enjoying the wonders of VR, one of those heroes went and picked up a legendary-looking sword. You know, my Lord, there's no need to artificially raise the difficulty. Let the prince of the kingdom get the legendary sword.
Got an Eyeful.png 40-bronze.png Got an Eyeful Thrusting one's head inside an active volcano can be dangerous, my Lord. Perhaps I should have informed you that there are no monsters to summon dwelling inside. Look inside the volcano on the Goro Castle stage by placing the camera on top.
Cooling Your Head.png 40-bronze.png Cooling Your Head O God of Destruction, you are an eccentric one. I know that VR doesn't offer tactile sensations, but I hope that shoving your face into a raging virtual blizzard was as refreshingly bracing as you thought it might be. Move forward so your head is in the blizzard on the Wunett Castle stage.
Lightning Strikes.png 40-silver.png Lightning Strikes Wonderful, O God of Destruction! You took out an unsuspecting hero with a single Bolt from the Blue! You might very well have used up your good luck, so I would be wary about RNG-based game mechanics for a while.
No Secret Codes Allowed.png 40-silver.png No Secret Codes Allowed Were you confused that the game started just like normal, even though you mashed L1 and R1 at the title screen? Did you try doing it faster, perhaps? Maybe try the pause screen, hmm? Ah, but I am glad that you're still dedicated to the challenge, my Lord - I mean, I ASSUME you didn't just look up how to get this trophy. Well, here it is. You can stop looking for secrets now, because there aren't any. There, there, Your Destructiveness - at least you have this commemorative trophy. Adieu! Attempt to do the Hard Mode Code from previous games by mashing L and R.