Bolt from the Blue

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Official artwork of Bolt from the Blue from No Heroes Allowed! VR.

Bolt from the Blue is a G.O.D Skill in No Heroes Allowed! VR.


Bolt from the Blue sends a lightning bolt down at heroes within a short radius, dealing minor damage and stunning them momentarily. It costs 1 G.O.D Skill Point to perform. Occasionally, the bolt will deal more damage than usual — sometimes even outright killing them, which earns the player a trophy.

Because of the length of time a hero is stunned for, rather than for its damage, Bolt from the Blue can be used as a crowd control tool, a way to delay a large advance to allow monsters to breed, and more. However, as a hero gets up, they are invulnerable, making spamming the skill wasteful. Instead, a learned God of Destruction should wait for the hero to get up before striking again, keeping the hero locked in place for a monster to pile on damage.

However, overuse of Bolt from the Blue is punishing: using it prevents building up G.O.D Skill Points to use Demonic Charge, making organised attacks on strategic locations difficult without overextending Nests. Thus, it should only be used in tight situations that would risk ending Badman's army.


G.O.D Skills
Demonic Charge - Bolt from the Blue
Mystery Meat - Bad Housekeeping