G.O.D Skill

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Tutorial image depicting G.O.D Skill Points.

G.O.D Skills — meaning God of Destruction Skills — are a gameplay feature in No Heroes Allowed! VR.


G.O.D Skills are unique abilities given to the God of Destruction as they accumulate Dragon Orbs. They have their own costs, which are fulfilled by G.O.D Skill Points. These build up as monsters breed, up to 5, but can also be given to the God of Destruction via Treasure Chests. Points can be seen at all times on the God of Destruction's controller.

G.O.D Skills allow the God of Destruction to be more direct than in other titles; akin to the old Pickaxe system. They can command monsters, feed them, buff the army, or even strike a hero with a thunderbolt, the first time in the series that the God of Destruction has been capable of attacking a hero.

List of G.O.D Skills

M-My Lord! There's hardly any information here! Aren't you going to fix it?
The editor who added this tag elaborates: Dragon Orb requirements

G.O.D Skill Point Cost Dragon Orbs required Skill Name Effect
2 Demonic Charge Begins a siege on a location.
1 Bolt from the Blue Strikes a hero with a lightning bolt, with a random chance to instantly kill one.
1 Mystery Meat Places Mystery Meat for monsters to eat.
3 Bad Housekeeping Buffs Badman's army.
G.O.D Skills
Demonic Charge - Bolt from the Blue
Mystery Meat - Bad Housekeeping