Is this also a monster saga...

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Is this also a monster saga... (JP: これも魔物のサガか・・・) is the third stage in NO MORE CHRISTMAS!, a Downloaded Story in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2.


M-My Lord! There's hardly any information here! Aren't you going to fix it?

Stage Data

Time Limit None
Objective Defeat Daughter
Depth 64 defeet



Daughter's Christmas emote
"We're having dinner, so you can just act like a brat!"
- Princess of the Underworld Badmella Level ?

In this stage, Daughter is a Swordswoman.

HP 427
MP 666
ATK 220[1]
DEF 79
RES 71


Daughter will attack in around 45 seconds. Stat-wise, she is as if AAA were attacking alone, but because she comes in so fast and after a Hero Rush, the God of Destruction has to act extremely quickly. Her Magic is stronger than any other hero in the game and she will attack with blue Volcano, so the best solution is to lay down runes to cut her MP and potentially spawn a Mara. Once her Magic has been depleted, she becomes extremely vulnerable, easily falling to attacks from Slimmando Mosses; if prepared for adequately in previous stages, this is usually not a problem.

