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An Omnom and Lizardman laying siege to the castle.

A Conquest forms the basis of No Heroes Allowed! VR's gameplay.


When a Conquest begins, the tower housing Badman's Lair will rise out of the ground. All actions will be taken from inside the Lair, acting as a war planning room. Here, the God of Destruction will control where the monsters go, directing them through a mix of sucking them up and Demonic Charges. Monsters have a food chain to follow, starting with Mosses and Spirits feeding on Fiend Trees and ending with the Dragon family. To progress, territory must be accumulated through placing monster nests, which is done by spending Charisma, which is obtained by defeating heroes and conquering their bases.

A hero's base being conquered.

In response to the oncoming horde, heroes will spawn from bases like villages, windmills, castles, and more. These structures can be destroyed by the horde if directed to do so, and conquering the castle clears the stage. As time goes on, the heroes will train and grow stronger. If Badman's army falls, it leaves the tower open to attack, and if it falls, it's game over.

Heroes sieging Badman's Tower.

If a Conquest takes too long, Cheater Heroes will eventually spawn, who are much stronger than any hero seen even at the end of the game. While beatable, they will often plow through Badman's army even at maximum upgrades with repeated skirmishes.