LIVE Camera

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The LIVE Camera is a gameplay feature introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2. When important events happen for the hero, a small screen on the bottom-right will appear showing what's going on for a limited time. It is not present in Yu-Nama: The Puzzle or No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!, given the hero is always on the left of the screen.


The LIVE Camera appears when a hero places an item, such as their Save Flag, or when they're on low HP. In the latter case, the camera will remain until they either heal or perish.

The LIVE Camera encourages attentiveness from the player, making it easier to find and delete Save Flags, remove traps placed by Monster Hunters, and easily obtain Dragon Orbs once the wounded hero drops one. Additionally, if playing attention to another area of the dungeon, such as feeding a dragon or preparing for the next phase of a Hero Rush, the LIVE Camera can make it easier to prepare for what to do next.