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Humanoids (JP: ヒトガタ) are human-like aquatic monsters introduced in No Heroes Allowed! and members of the Humanoid family.

In No Heroes Allowed!

Humanoids appear if a Lily Bud is poked with 49+ Nutrients or Mana while the dungeon has 200+ stress. Humanoids eat Hurtles, Loreleis, Lizardmen, and Liliths, making them easy to maintain once spawned. Their Pure Breed form is the Sublimanoid.

Humanoids are among the strongest aquatic monsters available, possessing among the highest attack and HP. Thus, spawning one as soon as possible is often recommended, though the seemingly random nature of Water Lilies can make this somewhat difficult: they must absorb a lot of Nutrients or Mana first, all without opening up themselves.

Because they're infertile, however, they contribute little to the overall ecosystem, essentially serving as population control for Hurtles, which can sometimes overrun lakes. They also require high stress levels, meaning that in theory something has to go wrong for them to be spawned first; an easy way to do this is to let an Omnom run amok momentarily.

In-Game Descriptions

No Heroes Allowed!


Funny fellows who look like little people. Born from Water Lilies that have absorbed lots of nutrients and/or mana, their high attack and defence make them extremely useful in battle, but they're unfortunately infertile. Although their dancing may look like some kind of super-intelligent tactical mind-game, it's actually just them jiggling about like loonies.

HP 666
ATK 88
Phys DEF 63
Mag DEF 55

No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!

Entry No. 179
Type Humanoids/Basic
Attack 20 (30 Max)
Special None (0%)
Evolves into Supremanoid

Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!

Can you translate this, my Lord?

Website Description

  • 持ち物:紀州漆器
  • 好物:めはり寿司
  • 天敵:策略家


In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ヒトガタ
Mandarin Chinese
(Traditional Script)
Jùrén guài
Giant monster
Korean 휴머노이드
Humanoid family
Introduced in No Heroes Allowed!
Basic Breeds Humanoid - Supremanoid
Pure Breeds Sublimanoid
Introduced in Yūsha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!
Basic Breeds German Jinn - Clayman - Underground