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Pneuma is an item introduced in No Heroes Allowed!, spawned by casting Prophecy.


Pneuma appear when a Shaman uses the respective spell. Once cast, the Pneuma will quickly travel in random directions around the dungeon for a few seconds before halting on a given square, with five fakes in tow. After a few more seconds, it will turn into either Volcano, Blizzard, or holy water, the latter of which turns monsters touched by it into pitiful Pure Breeds.

Pneuma can be removed before turning into magic by being struck with the God of Destruction's pickaxe or casting Dungeonquake.

In-Game Descriptions

No Heroes Allowed!


An ectoplasm-like substance.

Movement Range: ~33 Killometres
Genuine Articles: 1

A strange, ectoplasm-like substance emitted by Shamans. Six blobs are usually exuded at once, but five of these are fake. The one real blob will be activated a short time after contact with the dungeon floor. You can pop them with your pickaxe once they touch down, so watch carefully, time it right, and get tapping.