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Mugatu is a Swordsman introduced in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?'s Hard Mode, What Did I Not Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?. He appears alongside Brittany and Kelli on Stage 7.

In-Game Descriptions

What Did I Not Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?

  • Sex: M
  • Age: Unknown
  • Birth Stone: Onyx

One of the original Hero Five, it is said that if he was born in a different era, or had a time machine, he could lead an army of 10,000 men. Though they never said what he would do with them. He doesn't like falling down wells, and he may be looking for the Moon Stone.

HP 380
MP 80
ATK 108
DEF 50
RES 40
Heroes in What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?
What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? Shota - Chimli - Sukisuki - Chavez - Jacob - Belmondo - Charlett - Natalie - Garbonzo - Sinead - Heroman
What Did I Not Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? Gokuilla - Homer - Penguin - Butch - Akeem - Orica - Showta - Shoya - Shouta - Shonuff - Riki-oh - Splinter - Duke - Rand - Mugatu - Brittany - Kelli - AAA
Training Egon - Vash - Belmondo - Charlett - Shep - MacRygar - Chimli - Carlouis - Rickey - Derise - Gump - Sukisuki - Chavez - Jacob - Will - Chiba - Blaine - Finch - Garbonzo - Ben - Greg - Arch - Finn - Joliet - Elwood - Mac - Martigan - Atreyu - Ripley - Burt - Dolly - Cordell - Nolan - Paula - Jeff - Grandolf - Cletus - Mary Jo - Omegian - Guitar'o